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Silik and his mysterious person from the future, who gives the Suliban their orders are back. Onboard the Enterprise, Silik helps Captain Archer to prevent his ship from blowing up, by yanking out a cable to the warp core, if that cable was left in then Enterprise would have a warp core breach. One of the crew members onboard the Enterprise is not a Starfleet officer, but he is actually a time traveler, who's job is to make sure that history stays the way it is. This person is named Daniels, he was sent back  in time to the 22nd Century to stop Silik and to find out who from the future is giving the orders to the Suliban.


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Future Guy- "You failed in your last mission. The Klingon Empire is intact. You knew there would be consequences."
Silik- "Please, I won't disappoint you again."
Future Guy- "We'll restore it but only if you succeed in your next mission."
Silik- "But... You're disabling me."
Future Guy- "You won't need enhanced vision where you're going. Proceed with the extraction."

Mayweather- "Where were you last night?"
Sato- "I decided to turn in early."
Mayweather- "Well you didn't miss much."
Sato- "What'd they show?"
Mayweather- "Night of the Killer Androids"
Sato- "That bad?"
Mayweather- "We've got 50,000 movies in the database. There must be something worth watching."
Sato- "You could always read a book."

Mayweather- "Did you get to meet them?"
Sato- "Two. Briefly."
Reed- "What were they like?"
Sato- "Ohh, Quiet. They're taking a tour of the ship."
Mayweather- "Looks like the Captain's going all out."
Reed- "I hope he's not planning to show them the Armory."
Sato- "Don't worry, Lieutenant. They didn't look like the types to go around stealing military secrets."
Reed- "Still, we're not familiar with these species. Tactical systems should be off-limits."

Reed- "You have the bridge, ensign."
Sato- "Aren't you going to take the chair?"
Mayweather- "What?"
Sato- "You're in command."
Mayweather - " I'm fine right here."
Sato - "Haven't you ever wondered what it's like?"
Mayweather- "I can wait till I'm promoted."
Sato - "Okay."
Sato - "Nice fit."
Mayweather- "The bridge looks a lot different from here. Think anyone would mind if I fired a torpedo?"
Reed- "Permission to take my station?"
Mayweather - "Sorry, sir."

Archer - "What is that?"      

               "That does not look like Starfleet issue."

Daniels - "because I'm not a member of Starfleet."

Archer - "If you're not a member of Starfleet then who are you?"

Daniels - "I work for a different kind of organization."

                "We make sure that people like Silik does not interfere in historical events."

Archer - "So, you're telling me that you're some kind of a time traveler?"

Daniels - "That's one way of putting it."


Daniels - "This is how we keep on eye on what's going on."

                 "You might call it a Temporal Observatory."

                 "I come from approximately 900 years from now."

Archer - "Are you human?"

Daniels - "More or less."

Archer - "And the people giving Silik orders?"

Daniels - "They're from an earlier century."

                 "They can't manifest themselves physically in the past."

                 "They can only partially materialize to deliver information."

Archer - "But not you?"

Daniels - "In the years that followed we eventually perfected the process."

Archer - "Sounds dangerous."

Daniels - "When time travel was first developed."

                "It wasn't long before people realized that laws had to be made."

                "All the species that had the technology agreed it would only be used for research."

Archer - "But it is not..." 

               "That what the Temporal Cold War is all about."

Daniels - "Look at this."

                "That is a group of anthologists from 2769 observing the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza."

               "They are doing it using the proper procedure set forth in the               Temporal Accord."

                "But there are factions."