The Enterprise encounters a planet called Valakis, it is home to a pre-warp civilization which is composed of two alien races. Valakis suffers from an unknown disease that is killing the population, and Captain Archer quickly agrees to help find a cure. But when the aliens also ask for the secret of warp technology he is not so sure that he can give them the secrets of warp propulsion, and he finally begins to realize why the Vulcans had kept his father in the dark about how to achieve high warp speeds. SCREENCAPS
QUOTES Archer - "Some day, my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine, something that tells us what we can and can't do out here, should and shouldn't do. But until somebody tells me that they have drafted that directive, I'm going to have to remind myself that we didn't come out here to play god." Phlox - "If I hadn't trusted the Captain to make the right choice, I'd have been no better than the Vulcan diplomats who held your species back because they felt you couldn't make proper decisions on your own." |