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The sixth episode of Season 3 of Enterprise is titled 'Exile', it starts off with Hoshi's quarters, where she is washing up, suddenly she hears a voice call out her name, a shadow-person appears right in front of her, she then calls security, but the shadow-person vanishes.  Meanwhile in the Command Center, T’Pol she is informing Archer that she believes there is another sphere creating gravimetric waves just four light years from their present position. They change course to investigate the second sphere.

Hoshi and Malcolm are discussing the fact that the sensor logs for the past forty-eight hours have shown no signs of any intruders onboard.  He tells her that she may be under stress and that she might have imagined it, she tells him that it’s not her imagination and he promises to keep an eye out for any strange occurrences. She visits Phlox and tells him that for the past few days she’s been seeing and hearing things.  He tells her that she may be hallucinating because she’s under stress.

A short time later, Ensign Hoshi is in the Command Center translating a part of the Xindi database, she hears the voice calling her again, and sees someone in the shadows. All of a sudden the computer screens in the room change to a single view that of a planet that she has been seeing in her mind. The person in the shadows tells her that is where he is waiting for her. The image changes again to show close-ups of Hoshi as she appears in the room. The shadow-person tells her that he is nowhere near the ship. She runs from the room and suddenly finds herself in an alien hallway. The shadow person is there and starts to come after her. She runs through a hallway, and opens a pair of doors that lead to the side of a mountain. A hand touches her shoulder and she turns, she is back on Enterprise in a corridor and Malcolm is asking her if she’s okay.

In Sickbay, Phlox takes scans of her. He tells her he can’t find anything unusual, and Malcolm tells her that there are no ships nearby or intruders detected on the ship. Archer suggests she might be imagining the whole scenario, and she’s tells him she’s convinced it’s real. She stays to feed the animals and the shadow-person appears as Phlox, telling her that he’s been with her for several days now, and has enjoyed reading her thoughts. He tells her she has a unique mind, Hoshi is again transported to the planet she was on earlier, and the shadow-person appears, telling her it’s his home. He tells her that he knows they’re on a mission.

Hoshi is talking to Archer, telling him that the shadow-person has telepathic abilities that he can use to help them find the Xindi.  Archer decides to visit him with Hoshi and Malcolm, where an alien reveals himself to them. The alien looks quite different than the human Hoshi saw in her quarters. He introduces himself as Tarquin and explains that he didn’t want to frighten Hoshi when he first contacted her, which is the reason why he appeared as a human in her quarters. Tarquin tells Archer that he might be able to help him find the WMD that the Xindi are building. He asks Archer for a Xindi artifact, explaining that he is able to detect and interpret the imprints of those who built it. He tells Archer it will take several days, and as a condition of his assistance, he asks that Hoshi stay with him. Archer and Hoshi agree, and Archer leaves Hoshi on the planet with Tarquin while he continues his mission to find the second sphere.

At dinner Tarquin tells Hoshi that he had to recreate the tastes and textures of her favorite foods from her memory.  She is disturbed that he knows so much about her and asks about his past.  He tells her that on the world he was originally from, he was exiled because of his telepathic abilities. Others on his world feel threatened by those with the ability and exile them to planets such as the one they are on now, with no others for company. After he reveals more about her past to her, she excuses herself.  He takes her bag to her room, and gives her a book from a dead civilization.

Enterprise is nearing the second sphere, and as they get closer the space anomalies they encounter become more frequent and severe.  Not only do the walls buckle, but in the Armory a staircase is twisted.  On the bridge, various stations explode as the ship passes through the anomalies. Several crewmembers are injured and a section of the hull explodes into space. After coming to the conclusion that Enterprise will be torn apart by the anomalies if they proceed further, Archer orders a full stop, and commands Trip to line a shuttle pod with Trellium-D so that they can continue on to the second sphere.

On the planet, Hoshi watches Tarquin discover information about the Xindi artifact.  He tells her that there is a lot of conflict among the five species of Xindi.  Hoshi asks him about the crystal globe he’s been holding. He tells her that it helps him extend his range of telepathy, and that his family gave it to him before his exile. It also helped him find her. She tries it and sees many images that she can’t understand. She leaves him with the excuse that he must continue his work. She decides to step outside, and sees four graves, he appears and tells her that they were his companions and that since their life spans were shorter than his they all died the last one over a century ago. He tells her he is 400 years old. He asks her to become his companion, and she refuses. She runs inside the house, and he appears again, this time as he did previously on the Enterprise, he begs her to stay, and again she refuses.

Archer and Trip take the shuttle pod to the sphere, encountering turbulence only when they pass through the cloaking barrier. The sensor relays are damaged, and Archer decided to land on the sphere to fix them instead of going back to Enterprise. As Trip is fixing the relays, he accidentally ignites a thruster and the pod floats off. They fire at the thruster, destroying it, the pod floats back down to the sphere, bouncing to a stop right in front of them. They return to Enterprise with scans for T’Pol to analyze. Archer then sets a course to Tarquin’s planet to pick up Hoshi.

Tarquin visits Hoshi in her room, telling her that Archer will be there in a few minutes. He entreats her again to stay with him, and she refuses again.

Archer comes to her room, and asks her to stay with Tarquin, since he has a lot of information to give them.  She relents, and when she asks to say goodbye to her friends, Archer says Travis will understand.  Hoshi realizes that this is Tarquin again, since she was thinking about Travis, but didn’t mention him aloud.   

Enterprise comes into orbit around the planet, and suddenly all systems, including life support, go down. Hoshi goes into the main room of the castle, where Tarquin is meditating with his crystal.  She accuses him of playing mind games with her and demands to know where Archer is. He tells her that there’s no power on the ship and that if she agrees to stay with him, he’ll restore the power. She grabs the crystal and threatens to smash it unless he returns power to all the systems on Enterprise. He does so, and lets her go without giving any information to Archer.

The Enterprise resumes its previous course. In the Command Center, T’Pol tells Archer that there are fifty spheres in the Expanse creating the anomalies. Archer asks if she considered that whoever built the spheres did it to create the Expanse, and she wonders why they would do that.

Tarquin appears in Hoshi’s quarters to give her the information on the Xindi with a promise that he won’t bother her again. She takes it to Archer and tells him that the information contains coordinates to a Xindi colony where part of the weapon is being built.














  • Hoshi was gifted since childhood.
  • The Xindi are building parts of the WMD on different worlds.
  • The Expanse might contain as many as fifty gravimetric spheres.
  • An alien race might have created the expanse for some unknown reasons.



Archer: “The captain’s always a part of First Contact missions.  Starfleet regulations…”

Archer: “Did you bring a phase pistol?”

Hoshi: “I’ll keep it under my pillow.”

Tarquin: “Sometimes I don’t know what is worse: being alone or having to bury the people I’ve come to care about.” 

Hoshi: “The next time you invite someone for a visit, you might want to let them know you’re looking for a lifelong companion.” 

T'Pol: “Why would someone want to create a web of crippling anomalies?”