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The fourth Enterprise episode of Season 3 is titled 'Rajiin'. This episode starts off with the Xindi council arguing about what has to be done about the human ship, the humanoids urging that they should be patient while the reptilians and insectoids wanting to have their super-weapon finished and deployed very soon. Meanwhile in Archer quarters onboard the Enterprise NX-01, he is still suffering from the after-effects of having been transformed into an alien being, the scabs of the Lokek skin that it still left on his arm are  itching and he is still having nightmares. He leads an away team consisting of him, Tucker and Reed to an alien bazaar in the hope of finding a scientist who can help them synthesize Trellium-D, which is used to insulate ships from the anomalies that go on in the Expanse. In the alien bazaar, he learns that the Xindi recently visited a merchant there, the merchant told him that the reptilian Xindi were interested in purchasing sex slaves from him, but he won't tell Archer the destination of where in space the reptilian Xindi went, but when one of the slaves asks Archer for an asylum, he fights off the dealer and takes her to the ship.

Rajiin, who he had rescued from the alien bazaar tells Archer that she doesn't remember her homeworld, she can only remember its name, when he asks her if she has any family, she tells him that she has had many owners, but she has no real family. He gives her permission to explore the ship, but there are some areas of Enterprise which are off-limits to her. She comes by to Archer's quarters, where she tries to seduce him as a gesture of thanks for rescuing her from a life of sexual slavery. When she touches his skin, her fingers emit radioactive scans, which scan the interior of his body, showing her his anatomy, but then she is standing across the room and he reacts as if  he must have fantasized the encounter. Meanwhile on Deck E, Tucker and T'Pol attempt to synthesize Trellium-D into its liquid state using the volatile formula that they bartered from the scientist at the bazaar with, but their efforts fail, due to the fact that their calculations were off and the shielded lab explodes.

Rajiin goes uninvited to T'Pol's quarters and touches her inappropriately, scanning her Vulcan physiology, which agitates T'Pol, she tries to resist Rajiin, but she is much more stronger than the Vulcan. Outside her room, Tucker who had plans to meet her for another neuropressure session, manually unlocks T'Pol's door when she doesn't answer and is hit over the head by Rajiin with an ornament when he kneels by T'Pol, unconscious body on the floor. He manages to alert security; Archer and a security detail manage to capture Rajiin and place her in the brig, she had been trying to communicate with another vessel, asking for assistance until her signal was jammed. In the brig, Archer learns that she is working for the Xindi, but she says that the information that she can give him is that they are building a bio-weapon and that they need scans of humans in order to construct it.

Two ships belonging to the reptilians and insectoids Xindi sub-species attacks Enterprise and then sends over a boarding party, consisting of reptilian soldiers and insectoids, they shoots acidic weapons at the MACOs. The Xindi soldiers fight their way to the brig and take Rajiin but one of them falls and dies. Phlox discovers that the reptilian Xindi apparently had a suicide gland implanted in his body to release a neurotoxin, if compromised. Archer demands a complete autopsy and a complete analysis of the alien weapon, including possible counter-measures. Back at the Xindi council, the humanoids and reptilians quarrel about the risk of rushing into an assault. Rajiin shows them data on human biology that she gathered from her radioactive scans, but tries to explain that there is more to the humans than they will learn from scans. The reptilians do not want to listen, and have her sent from the room like a slave.








Tucker: "People are talking...about me coming to your quarters at night. They think there's more going on than neuro-pressure."
T'Pol: "We're both senior officers. If we were pursuing a romantic relationship, it wouldn't be any concern of Lt. Reeds, would it?"

Phlox: "The more you scratch, the longer it will take to heal."

Phlox: "You have the most intriguing eyes. I've never seen a retinal structure this complex."

Archer: "We don't believe one person can own another person. You're free to go wherever you like."

Archer: "Leaving so soon?"

Rajiin: "If I tell you anything else, they'll kill me."

Archer: "Who? The Xindi? What makes you think I won't?"

Rajiin: "It's true that I deceived you, but that doesn't make your decision to help me any less admirable. The best thing for you to do is let me go."