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T’Pol asks Archer for his help in finding the fugitive, so she, Archer and Mayweather go to a planet to find Menos. On the planet, Mayweather captures Menos, but because of an acid spill on the landing pad, they must wait for four hours before it is cleaned up and they can leave for Enterprise.

Inside the bar where the crew found him, Menos talks to T’Pol and tries to convince her that he is innocent of the charges against him. He also tells her that the other fugitive who was with him on Risa, the one she killed, was innocent of the charges that were against him. Throughout this mission, T’Pol is having flashbacks, back to Risa. They get stronger the more she talks to Menos. She goes to his ship to find out if he is really carrying biotoxins as the VHC has told her, but all she finds are spent warp core casings.

Back outside the bar, she tells Archer that years ago as an undercover agent she was assigned to find rogue agents who abandoned their assignments. She tells him of the flashbacks she’s been having of chasing and killing an agent named Jossin. After this incident, she had a ritual involving repressing the emotions and memories of the killing. Archer tells her that he will help her deal with the memories and the emotions.

Meanwhile, Archer and T’Pol hear a crash, and the bar is on fire. T’Pol goes to Menos and sets him free. In the commotion of the fire, Menos escapes. Archer, T’Pol and Mayweather then go to Menos’ ship, but don’t find him there. Mayweather tells Archer that even though the ship is powered down, there is a circuit that is feeding power to an unknown device.  Archer goes into the cockpit, leaving T’Pol alone in the cargo bay. Archer presses the button to the unknown control panel, which deactivates the holo-imaging in the cargo bay. Menos is in a section of the cargo bay that appears into view, he pointing a gun at T’Pol. When Archer goes into the cargo bay to tell T’Pol what he’s found, Menos grabs T’Pol and holds her hostage. He tells Archer and Mayweather to get into a closet.  Once they are in the closet, Menos tells T’Pol to lock the door. As she does so, Archer pushes the door open. Menos gives up, after exchanging firefights with the away team, he escapes through a panel in the bottom of the ship and across the landing pad. When T’Pol hesitates to fire on him, Archer reminds her that she was sent to retrieve him, not judge him. Back in the ship, they see the reason why Menos gave up shooting at them: discovered along the walls of the ship are the bottles of biotoxin he was accused of transporting.

T’Pol thanks Archer for his help. He tells her that, just like humans, she may have to deal with the emotions brought on by this incident and move on. She, in turn, tells him that he can trust her with anything in the future.






T'Pol: "I may have killed an innocent man."

Menos: "I didn't deserve to be killed."

T'Pol: "I said stop talking."

Archer: "T'Pol!"

Archer: "Move over Porthos, let the lady sit down. Sounds like this is going to be good."

T'Pol: "I need to be with someone I can trust."

Tucker: "There are a lot of definitions of 'unfinished business' could you be more specific?"

Tall Alien: "Does this look like a prison to you?"

Archer: "We're taking you to the Vulcan's, no one is going to shoot you."

Menos: "Why do you want me to tell you something you already know?"

Archer: "We don't do quickly and quietly well but we are good at arithmetic."

Archer: "When you don't have the ability to repress emotions you learn to deal with them and move on."

T'Pol: "If you ever need someone you can trust..."