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Akaali - Their technological level is that of 19th century Earth, there are 500 Akaali living on their homeworld which is 78 light years from Earth. They have two ridges which goes vertically down their face.

Andorian - They have blue color skin, yellow tinted hair and with two antennas sticking out from their head. They come from a planet called Andoria which is in conflict with the Vulcans. The Andorian technological level is that of Starfleet, they have particle weapons, warp drive but they have figured out how to dematerialize an Andorian then rematerialize him somewhere else, which is the transporter technology.

Axanar - Are an alien race with leathery skin, they breathe in an nitrogen-methane atmosphere, their blood is green which looks like amino acids. The Axanar live for over 400 years. Their technological level is similar to that of the Enterprise.


Borothon - Not much is known about this race except for a fact that many of the Borothon pilgrims view the Great Plume of Agosoria where they believe that the 'Big Bang' started there.


"Butterfly women" - Their proper alien race name is unknown, but there are two of them in the trade complex on Rigel X. They are female exotic dancers who entertain other alien races by eating butterflies using their tongues.


Cobal - A race from sector 3641, the entire civilization had to evacuate from their home planet when it became inhabitable.  They then traveled to other planets searching for a new home. Some of the Cabal have been genetically enhanced and given bodily enhancements. These Cabals are now called Suliban.


Denobulans - They come from the planet of Denobula Triaxa. The Denobulans look similar to humans except for the fact that they have a crease down the middle of their forehead and they also have ridges on both sides of their faces.. They do not like to be touched and it is normal for Denobulan families to have spouses. 

Draylax women - There is not much know about the inhabitants of Draylax except that the women there have three breasts.


EskansThey come from the planet of Eska. The Enterprise away team encountered the Eskans on the planet of Dakala where they were hunting shape-shifting species who are native to the planet.


Frengi - A warp-capable race that visited the Valakis before the year 2151. The same race boarded the Enterprise to steal their equipment and women officers but failed due to Commander Tucker and Sub Commander T'Pol.










Kantare - Are an advanced race who come from their home planet of Kanrtare. They are similar to humans , but they have bumps on their forehead. 

Klingon - are a humanoid warrior race from their home planet of Qo'noS. Each Klingon has its own pattern of the ridges that are on their foreheads. They value honor above everything, they look forward to the time when they die honorably at their posts instead of fleeing from a combat.

Kreetasans - A humanoid race that have long black hair, sharp teeth and clammy skin. They get offended easily, especially when it comes to the time when they meet a race that eats in public. They consider eating to be a private matter.


Lorillians - Area  race that have to be weaned at the age of four from the methyloxide atmosphere which they can be breathe until they reach the age of four into a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere.


Malurians - Are a humanoid race that have scaled skin and they are from the Malurian system.

Mazarites - Are a humanoid race from their home planet of Mazar. They are a warp capable race that can achieve warp speeds similar to that of the Enterprise. They are distinguished by the flaps of skin they have under their temples.

Menk - Are a humanoid race that co-exist with the Valakians on Valakis. The Menk are not technologically advanced as the Valakians , but the Valakians provide food, shelter and clothing because the Menk are a very hardworking race. The Menk will be the dominant race on Valakis  because of the Valakians genetic mutation that is causing them to die but it doesn't affect the Menk race at all.


Nausicaans - Are a humanoid race form Nausicaa, their homeworld.  They have dark hair, yellowish-green skin and fangs. The Nausicaans have been raided the dilithium from the Cargo freighters.

Novans/Nuvaans - Are descendents of the team that settled on Terra Nova who were killed by radiation poising from an asteroid that hit the planet. The survivors of the team were forced to live underground. they distrust humans because they believe that humans caused the poising rain. 


Paaragans  - Are a race that is mostly controlled by the female population. They had established a mining colony 30 years ago with just 30 miners, now there were 3600 inhabitants, they had schools, museums until the Enterprise away team caused their atmosphere to ignite which wiped out every single Paaragan living in that mining colony.




Risans - Are a humanoid race from the pleasure planet of Risa, they are distinguished from other humanoid races by the small marking they have on the center of their forehead.  


Suliban - Are an alien race form sector 3641, they were force to evacuate from their planet when it became inhabitable around about the year 1851. The Suliban race is typically no more advanced than humans. But a certain Suliban faction called the Cabal have received genetic enhancements for their involvement in the temporal cold war. the Cabal do not make decisions for themselves, they receive orders from a person in the future, then they carry out the orders, if the mission fails then they are severely punished.


Tandaran - Are a humanoid race from the planet of Tandar Prime, they are distinguished from other alien humanoid races by the ridge on their nose. The Tandarans did allow the Suliban to live on their planet when their world became inhabitable, but when the Cabal started to attack the Tandaran cities, they put the Suliban living on their worlds into detention centers to keep them joining the Cabal.

Tellarite - mentioned in the episode 'Dead Stop'

Terra Novans - See Novans

Tesnians - Are a native race to the planet of Tesnia. They need to breathe boron gas for at least six hours each day.

The Communicator Alien - Are a pre-warp humanoid race which are at war with a faction living on the same planet called 'The Alliance'. The aliens that captured Archer and Malcolm have distinguishing marks such as  the forehead protruding slightly and containing deep brow creases, two lines running horizontally and one line running vertically in the center from the nose upward, segmenting it into four sectors. They also have less internal organs than humans and don't have red blood cells, due to the lack of iron in their blood stream.

The Seventh Alien - A very tall huge humanoid Alien, who's distinguishing features include a cream color skin with mottled brown spots and a lizard like knobby ridge which forms at the top of the nose, it maintains its ridged appearance up over the hairless head and down the spine.

Tiburrians - Are a monarchal humanoid race from Tiburria Prime and Krios Prime. They are distinguished only by the faint brown spotted skin along the temples trailing toward the forehead and ear

Torothans - Are a humanoid race who live on a desert planet which used to have a hierarchy system until it was abolished. The minorities felt that they hadn't regain all of their rights so they began to attack the Torothan government. The Torothans are distinguished by the tattoo they have on their chin.   


Valakians - Are a pre-warp civilization from Valakii, their homeworld which the Menk also live there. The Valakians have been suffering form a genetic mutation for over a 1000 years. 

Vulcan - Are a highly advance warp capable civilization from the planet Vulcan. They are distinguished from other humanoid races by their pointy ears and their short dark hair. The Vulcan race used to be a savage race even more savage than the humans but Sarek taught the Vulcans to control their emotions so their savage behavior stopped. A group of Vulcans met with humans on April 5th 2063 when they discovered that humans could travel faster than the speed of light, over the past century, they have been keeping a watchful eye on the human race as they develop the Warp 5 engine and begin to explore space.  

V'tosh ka'tur/Vulcan - Are part of the Vulcan race who do not follow Sarek's teachings, they have learnt to embrace their emotions instead of controlling them.


Wraith - Are a shape-shifting race who also are telepathic and they look like a giant slug. They are indigenous to the rogue planet of Dakala. They can read other alien race's minds and take the form of an image of the person in the alien race's mind. The Eskan hunters having been hunting the Wraith for generations. 


Xyrillians - Are a humanoid race with warp-capable ships, they have reptilian features such as their dermal plating which shows different moods by the color of it. The Xyrillian pregnancies are different to other humanoid races, due to the fact that the fetus only utilizes the genetic material of the mother and it is carried by the father for a six week period in an area near to the ribcage. In order the pregnancy to occur, the male and female must place their hands into a box full of pebbles which telepathically links them both and female's genetic material is passed to the male.