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General Specifications:

Name: Enterprise 

Class: NX 

Category: Explorer 

Registry Number: NX-01

Launch date: 2151

Crew Specification:

Crew compliment: 83 standard


Length: 225 meters                

Width: 136 m           

Height: 34 m

Nacelle Spacing: 112 meters      

Number of decks: 5 to 10 decks 

Mass: 80,000 metric tons            


Maximum Speed:  Warp 5

Cochrane Warp Propulsion Shipboard power: Electro-Plasma System

Impulse Engines: 4 (2 aft Saucer and 2 aft Fairings)

Reaction-Control System Thrusters


The Enterprise is equipped with.                  

Laser cannons

Phase Cannons 3 (2 forward and 1 aft)                           

Spatial Torpedoes (until the Expanse episode of Season 2; 4 forward, 2 aft)

Photonic Torpedoes (as of the Expanse episode of Season 2; 4 forward, 3 aft )


The Enterprise is equipped with. 

Retractable polarized hull plating (the Enterprise does not have any shields).


The Enterprise is equipped with. 

2 Shuttlepods can hold up to 7 people

1 Inspection Pod that can only hold 2 people

Transporters have no bio-filters, so the computer can't decontaminate the crew as they beam back to the ship to stop a crew member carrying a disease on to the ship. The crew members must be decontaminate  in a Decontamination Chamber with phosphorescent gel. The transporters are only mainly used  for cargo and to transport away teams to planets, as the crew of the Enterprise go on more missions, the transporters will be much more safer and be much more advanced than the transporters they used on their first mission.                      

Food and beverages: 

The Enterprise is equipped with. 

Primitive Replicators. The Enterprise stocks regular foodstuffs but it also has primitive replicators, or protein resequencers, that can produce limits items like pasta or beverages.


The Enterprise is equipped with. 

Long-range communications, but they are only possible while the ship is at warp.       

Internal-ship communications through touch-panel only.                                                          

Away teams will carry communicators with primitive universal translators in them.

Other Features:

The Enterprise is equipped with.                           

Grapplers, grab on to smaller ships and the Enterprise can now tow the smaller ship.