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Acoustic relay - is a relay that records languages from a planet in order for Hoshi to translate them into English.

Antigrav -  is a portable device that are used to transport containers that are too heavy for a single member to move. The antigrav devices make the containers float in the air so it is easy for the crewmember to move the containers.

Antimatter Reactor - is where the reaction between matter and antimatter takes place which powers all the systems aboard Enterprise.

 Astrometric computer - is the most advanced sensor computer in all of Starfleet which is located in San Francisco. It is used  to analyze all the sensor readings that the Enterprise's sensors can't detect. 

Autosequencer - is one of the subsystem of the transporter, it controls the actual transport process. The Autosequencer  must be brought online prior to the transporter's use otherwise the transporter is useless.

Auxiliary landing thrusters - the shuttlepod only uses its auxiliary landing thrusters if the primarily landing thrusters are damaged. 

Auxiliary power - is an emergency power supply system that comes activate whenever main power fails.


Beacon - 

                 1. A small portable flash light which all members of the away team use.

                 2. A device that warns away team members of danger.

Biopump - is an alien hydraulic system that is used to pump fluids out of the Axanar corpses.


Class-3 Pulse Rifle - is a plasma based rifle which is only used by the security section of the Enterprise.

Coaxial port - is one of the components in the Suliban docking interface in their ships.

Comm Panel - is a device on the walls of Enterprise which is used in order for crew members to talk to another part of the ship.


Communicator -  is a device that allows members of an away team to contact Enterprise or other members

Coolant tanks - are large containers that contain liquids which are below freezing in order to draw off heat from the warp reactor. The coolant tanks are stored in Engineering.


Dampening field - is a electromagnetic field that doesn't allow ships to scan what the field is protecting and transporters are useless while the dampening field is up. 


Data Pad -  is a device that is used to write written logs onto, it is used to record data from the alien ship's computer.

Deflector - is a device that is used to clear a path of space dust and small objects for the ship to travel and not get any hull breaches while it is traveling at high speeds. 

Depth charge - is an explosive charge that  has a controlled detonation where the charge has a preset depth. It is normally used in a planet's atmosphere or underwater in order to either bring the enemy out or destroy it.

Dicobalt explosives - not much is known about dicobalt explosives. The Coridan Chancellor told Commander Tucker that the rebels will trade the hostages for dicobalt explosives. 

Disruptor - it is a hand weapon that can disrupt the molecular structure of an object. When the disruptor is set on it lowest setting, the object such as a member of a race can recover from its injuries while if the disruptor is set n its highest setting then the damage is much more severe.

Docking arm - is a device that is used to bring in shuttlepods into the starship's docking bay.


Emergency Beacon - is a device that locates crew members who are in the need of help.


EM-33 Plasma Pistol - is a mid 22nd century plasma based hand gun.

Energy field - is also known as a force field, it is a projection of energy which is used to contain or prevent access to members of alien races.

Environmental suits -  are spacesuits that the away team use when they step onboard a derelict vessel or on to a planet that does not support humanoid life. The environmental suits provide the away team members with oxygen, heat and there is gravity in the boots so the away team remains on the surface of the planet.

EV Pack - stands for Extra-Vehicular, the EV Pack is a life support system, it is used when the crew members are training underwater.


Forward Plating - is a section of the hull which protects the forward section.


Grappler - is a device that fires two projectiles that are connected to high tension cables. The grappler is used to bring in small shuttles and escape pods into Enterprise's launch bay. 

Gravity Plating - is duranium sheets of metal which can be converted into gravity plating that is used to make artificial gravity onboard the ship.


Hull plating - is the primary defense system aboard the Enterprise. It needs to be polarized in order for the hull to absorb and reflect the enemy's weapons.


Impulse Drive - is a general term given to sublight propulsion systems that are powered by fusion reactors. Enterprise has four impulse engines which allow it to travel to the planets in a solar system.

Impulse Reactors - are reactors that use deuterium fuel to produce helium plasma that powers the impulse drive. Impulse reactors were used when warp drive wasn't developed yet.

Impulse Relays - are connections from the warp reactor to the engines.

Inertial clamp - is a component of the Suliban docking interface.

Infrared Scanner - is a component of the targeting system aboard Enterprise.

Intercom -  is also know as the comm panel


There is no technology glossary terms for J. 


There is no technology glossary terms for K.


Linguistics Database - is a database which contains every word and syntax of the alien languages that the communication officer has programmed into it, the linguistics database then can translate the alien language which the crew are hearing into English.  


Maglock - is a system that uses magnetic forces to attach two objects. The grappler use maglocks in order for the grappling projectiles to attach to the shuttlepods. 

Magnetic constrictor - is a component of the warp core.

Magnetic Shield - another term for a dampening field.

Microcharges - are small detonators that security officers use in order to destroy only what needs to be destroyed.


Night-Vision Headset - is a device that the away team wears around their head when they are on an alien planet and they don't want to let the enemies know that they are here by not using their flashlights.


Optical Sensors - are sensors which allow the Enterprise's crew on the bridge to zoom on to the inhabitants of a pre-warp civilization world in order to see what they look like physically.



Particle Weapon - is a weapon that can be a handgun that fires an yellow beam that can stun or kill the person.


Phase Cannons - are also known as phase modulated energy weapons. The starship has 3 phase cannons and each phase cannon has a maximum power output of 500 gigajoules.


Phase Discriminator - is a component of the transporter which isolates foreign contaminates from the matter stream and gets rid of them so they don't pose a threat to the person being transported.


Phase Pistols -  is the standard hand weapon for the Enterprise Crew when they are on away missions.

Phonetic Processor - is a processor that processes the dialect and syntaxes of alien languages.

Plasma Cannons - are mounted on the shuttlepod, they are used primarily for shooting down enemy fighters but they have a very limited range.

Pulse Rifle Class 3 - is a rifle that shoots bolts instead of beams of energy.


Satellites, manmade -  are relay stations that relay data signals from one part of the planet to another.

Scanners, Targeting -

Sensors - Enterprise's sensors range from optical sensors that can only allow the crew to look at the aliens on a planet to scientific sensors that can detect if there is life on a Minshara Class planet.

Sensor grid, Internal - is a power and mapping grid, the internal sensor grid gets power and is controlled from Main Engineering, and it can detect what kind of life is aboard Enterprise  and it can also detect if a conduit is open.

Sensor, Handheld -  is a portable sensing device that detects the presence of life by scanning from the person's DNA.  

Spatial Missiles - are long range missiles that carry atomic warhead, they are designed to be more destructive than the Laser Cannons.

Stun Grenades - are grenades that stun alien beings not kill them. 

Subspace Amplifiers - are small manmade satellites that amplify the signal strength of the subspace communication signals so there is no interference when the Enterprise travels deeper into space.

Subspace Transceiver Array -


Targeting scanners - are scanners that are used in order from the weapons to track their targets which are in motion but a slight misalignment will allow the weapons to hit a stationary target but not a target that is in flght.  

Targeting sensors, Starboard - are sensors that are located on the starboard side of Enterprise, these sensors track the movements of targets on the starboard side.

Temporal Chamber - is a communication room aboard the Suliban Helix, it connects to two different time periods so Silik can communicate with someone in the future who gives him orders.

Temporal Observatory - is a handheld oval device that emits a holographic display of the timeline in the universe so it shows who is doing what and when are they doing it. This is used to observe for signs that factions are disrupting the current timeline.

Throttle - controls the speed of the Enterprise's engines.

Time Chamber - is in the Temporal Chamber which is aboard the Helix where Silik communicates with the person from the future. The mysterious person appears in the time chamber but the person is out of phase.

Time lock - is the room that connects the temporal chamber to the rest of the Helix. The room transports the personnel to the altered time within the chamber. 

Tractor beam - is a advanced device that is used to manipulate the path of an object.

Transceiver - is a device that is both a transmitter and a receiver.

Transfer Conduits - are conduits where the only way antimatter gets to the warp reactor is through these conduits. 

Translatation matrix - is a matrix where by running speech through it makes it easier for the alien species to decipher and understand the messages.

Transporter - is a matter/energy transportation device, it is primarily used to transport cargo to and from the Enterprise but Starfleet Medical has approved it to transport lifeforms to and from the Enterprise.

Tricyclic plasma drive - is the propulsion system aboard the Suliban ships.


Universal Translator - or UT is a computer program that translates known alien languages into English that the crew can understand. Known languages like Vulcan and Klingon.


Ventral Plating - is the metal plating on the ventral side of Enterprise, it also can be polarized when the ship is going into battle.

Viewscreen - is the computer screen where the crew can communicate with aliens, zoom in on planets and look out into space.


Warp coil - is one of the parts of the warp reactor, the warp coils are used in order to create a warp field.

Weapons Array - is the section of the ship that contains the controls to power and control the weapons.