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Bill Hillman's
Volume 965

Hillman Memories of ECOF 2002

Huckster Room: DJ Howell ~ Lydie Denier ~ Bruce Boxleitner ~ Linda and Bob Zeuschner
Ginnie Spagur ~ Sue-On Hillman ~ Edie James

Danton Burroughs and Lee Chase

Saturday morning started off with the opening of the huckster room and the arrival of more guests of honour. Excitement reigned. After a rush reconnaissance tour of the wares, Sue-On left with Edie James and Ginnie Spargur on their ECOF Ladies Auxiliary Shopping Tour while I visited with Nanette and Cory Mark who had brought numerous JCB items and anecdotes to share with us.  The ERB pulp panel with Bob Zeuschner and Stan Galloway was winding down when I was able to make it to the panel room. I'm looking forward to viewing Wayne James' tapes of this panel as there are few people who know more about ERB pulps than these two scholars.

After a short visit with Lee Chase and Denny Miller, Bill Morse and I went for lunch with Danton at a Mexican restaurant where we were joined later by Helen Baker and Nanette Mark. The rest of the afternoon was taken up with the comic artists panel moderated by Tom Yeates. Featured on the panel were ERB artists Christopher Schenck (Dark Horse Tarzan artist), William Stout (popular dinosaur and ERB artist), Dave Schwartz (Disney's Legend of Tarzan TV artist) and Dave Burton (Barsoom artist). At the close of this panel session, auctioneers extraordinaire Bill Ross, Mike Shaw, Mike Conran and Rob Greer sprang into action and launched the LA SubERB's auction.

After Sue-On's return from the shopping safari we filled each other in on our day's experiences. To each other's shock we learned that neither of us had made any major purchases -- either in the huckster room or on the LA shop crawl. Each of us thought that the other had all the American money and we were both "running on empty"... it was only much later that we discovered our US greenbacks hidden away in a jacket pocket. We both missed out on some great bargains.

Mary and Stacy arrived at the hotel just after Eve Brent and her husband made their appearance. This prompted our second photo tour of the huckster room and resulted in some good shots of the guests of honour as well as of the various sellers' tables just as they were closing for the day.

The Saturday banquet was held at TGI Fridays in Woodland Hills. By the time we arrived the rowdy ERBites had pretty much taken over the establishment. Bob Hyde whisked Mary away to join him at his table and we joined Stacy, Ghak, Abner, Joog and Ginnie, Billy, Wayne and Edie, at a long table. Sue-On flagged down a balloon maker and suggested that he make a towering headpiece suitable for Joog the Giant. It was a perfect fit but the giant hat proved to be so popular that it made the rounds of all the tables. Following the meal, Mary drove us back to the hotel where we had time for a visit while Sue-On and Stacy went shopping for snacks and ice cream to bring back for a poolside snack.

The highlight of the day was yet to come. Danton had skipped supper to prepare more rarities to share with dedicated collectors. We gathered around a cassette player to listen to unreleased Tarzan radio shows from the '30s followed by an unusual proposed sequel to the famous mid-'70s rock musical, Rocky Horror Picture Show. This version is of interest to ERB fans because it featured Tarzan. Danton remembers being very excited about it but it had been firmly rejected by Uncle Hully and wife Marion when it had been brought to ERB, Inc. Following this, a small group of devoted ERB collectors were treated to a peek into Danton's brief case that contained never-before-seen photos, letters, documents and memorabilia from Ed's childhood, MMA days, Tarzana Ranch heyday, and the WWII years in Hawaii. Danton encouraged me to take photos, which I did, but unfortunately the lighting was too dim for them to turn out.

A Photo Journal
961  I. Arrival
962 II. ERB Treasures
 963 III. Office Tour
964 IV. Ranch Tour
965 V. Guests & Panels
966 VI. Hike
967 VII. Windup
986 ERBapa Text Only Reprint
Illustrated Directory 
of Events
Tarzana Ranch Mosaic
Part 1
Tarzana Ranch Mosaic
Part 2
Lord Passmore's 
Tarzana Safari Pt. 1
Lord Passmore's
Tarzana Safari Pt. 2
ERB Offices Mosaic I
Unearthing Rare Treasures
ERB Offices Mosaic II
Danton's Tour
 960 Tarzana Photo Mosaic
Certified Burroughs Fans
968 ECOF Cameos I
982 Haggles & Huddles
983 ECOF Cameos II
984 Collectibles
1. Tarzana Tour I: Offices
2. Tarzana Tour II: Ranch
3. ERB Business
4. ERB Business
985 Laurence Dunn ECOF
 969 W. Herr ECOF Adventure
. .
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