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Bill Hillman's

Weekly Online Fanzine
Issue 1056
ERB  portrait by John Coleman Burroughs
 The Danton Burroughs Archives
JCB Treasure Vaults
TARZANA TREK ~ 2003 ~ Day 6
Danton Burroughs
Larger versions of the thumbnail illustrations featured here are
displayed in the accompanying photo galleries.

Fly Home Day

My Air Canada flight was to leave LAX at 2:30 so I had time for some final morning camera work and goodbye chats. There was time for a few more shots of unpublished JCB art and of a totally unrelated 150 year-old set of Medieval art books -- perhaps the inspiration for Ed's second novel, The Outlaw of Torn? I had mentioned that I had to be back in Brandon by the next day as our daughter China-Li was graduating from high school. I also mentioned her almost serious desire to be a knight. She is an accomplished harpist, bagpiper, pianist, and highland dancer. She has studied fencing, knife-making, welding, Celtic lore, martial arts, historical novels, science fantasy fiction... all in case she can't get a real job in the real world and will be forced to seek employment in the Las Vegas Excalibur and international medieval fairs. It turned out then that the last photos I took in Tarzana were of colour plates of knights from one of Danton's favourite rare volumes. Images that he insisted I share with our knight wannabe.

I paused in my trek down the lane to the parking corral for one last look back at the imposing ERB-like figure framed in the doorway to an incredible time capsule. The Master of Fantasy Adventure still lives . . . .

Tarzana Trek: Day 6 Photo Gallery
Day 6-1: Maid of Torn ~ Tarzana Booklet ~ Dejah ~ JCB & Security Aircraft
A Six-Day Adventure Exploring the Danton Burroughs Archive
By Bill Hillman
Day 1: Preamble and Arrival Arrival and Search for Weissmuller
Day 2: Burroughs Family Reunion Danton Residence: Entrance Danton Residence: Upper Level JCB Home Movies
Day 3: JCB Treasure Vaults Entering the Treasure Vaults John Carter  & More Danton Doring & Misc
Miscellaneous Art Projects Warner & Universal Film Art I Warner & Universal Film Art II
Warner & Universal Film Art III WWII Projects ~ Propaganda ERB Wartime Memorabilia
Day 4: Jungles of Tarzana Westervelt Classic Cars Tarzana Cultural Centre Tarzana Ranch Today
Day 5: Danton Burroughs Archive Estate Grounds: Outer Archive Hodgepodge Hall Entrance GroundsWalkways and Tiers
Outback Jungle Region
Danton Burroughs Inner Archive 19th Century Art / Projects Ages of (One) Man & More
Early Photo Album Documents & Memorabilia JCB Photo Album ~ Malibu
Hulbert Photos ~ ERB Pipes Hawaii Guest Book & Photos WWII Correspondent
Day 6: Departure Eclectica ~ Scans ~ Maid of Torn
Entire Tarzana Trek Text Tarzana Story by ERB Tarzana Home by Ed & Mom Memoirs of a War Bride Intro
Tarzana Overview John Coleman Burroughs Jane Ralston Burroughs 1091 El Caballero Country Club

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