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The First and Only Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs

Volume 0250

The Many Worlds of
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
"The master of imaginative fantasy adventure...
...the creator of Tarzan and...
...the 'grandfather of science-fiction'"

The FAMILY TREE from 1875-1950
"Where was he when he wrote that?"
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material is open to ongoing revision. 
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George Tyler & Evaline Burroughs Residence
650 (646) Washington Blvd 
between Lincoln and Robey St.
Chicago's West Side
1880: ERB's first poem: "I'm Dr. Burroughs come to town, To see my patint Maria Brown." 
1888 - Fall: Ed enters the Harvard School
on 21st Street and Indiana Avenue
1891: Summer Ranch along lower Raft River
Cassia County, SE Idaho
Ed's father sent him to work for the summer 
at  brother Harry's Idaho Ranch
1891 September: Phillips Academy, 
Andover, Massachusetts.
Ed is a regular contributor of cartoons and poems 
to a school paper, the Mirror

1892 Spring:
Michigan Military Academy
Orchard Lake
26 miles NW of Detroit
1894 -  founder of  Cadet newspaper 
The Military Mirror
1895: Gives Address to the 1894 Graduating Class & accepts the position of MMA assistant commandant &
Editor of the Adjutant school paper
1896 May 24 - Fort Grant, Arizona Territory  As a member of Troop B, 7th U.S. Cavalry
Ed does many sketches of cavalry life
1897 Summer: 646 Washington Boulevard
Returns home after army discharge and 
helping brother Harry in a cattle drive
1898 Spring
on the Snake River, Idaho
Joins brothers to help with dredging operation
1898 June - 1899 West Center Street, 
Pocatello, Idaho
ERB's Stationery Shop
Contributes poems to the Pocatello Tribune: 
"The Black Man's Burden" etc.
1899 Winter Mule Shoe Ranch 
on the Snake River
Burroughs Brothers' Idaho Ranch
ERB hit on the head while watching a saloon brawl -
the start of hallucinations and nightmares.
1899 646 Washington Boulevard OR
493 (1418) Jackson Blvd
Home to work at father's battery company

Wedding Day: January 31, 1900 - ERB and Emma Hulbert
January 31, 1900
194 Park Avenue 
(Park and Robey)
Move into a room at Emma's parents' house
Alvin & Emma Theresa Hulbert
"Snake River Cottontail Tales"
1901 88 Park Avenue, Chicago "Grandma Burroughs' Cook Book" (Xmas 1901)
a booklet of recipes and cartoons
1902 Ap - May 1903 35 South Robey Street, Chicago
1903 Spring Tent - Cabin - Houseboat
Sweetser-Burroughs Mining Co.
Stanley Basin, Idaho
Take all possessions on a UP train and stage 
to join brother George's gold dredging operation
1903 Summer  Parma, Idaho
on the Snake River
Freight train to brother Harry's gold dredge
Minidoka -  "What are the Wild Waves Saying? 
An Evening Lullaby for the Children."
1904 April - Oct. 14
111 North Fifth West Street
Salt Lake City
Railroad policeman for 
Oregon Short Line Railroad Company
1904 Fall to 1908 194 (2005) Park Avenue January 12, 1908 - Birth of Joan at Park Ave. Hospital
Poems: Violet Vale booklet & Poverty
Articles: "What Every Young Couple Should Know"
1908 to Oct. 1909 197 (2008)  Park Avenue
Flat in building owned by Hulberts
August 12, 1909 - Birth of son Hulbert
April 11, 1910 -
April 1911 
821 S. Scoville Ave.
Oak Park
ERB's father's country place - rented
1911-1913 2008 (once 197) Park Ave. 
(Now Maypole)

(A flat in a building owned by the Hulbert family)

Unpublished article: "Selling Satisfaction - an Anecdote" and many poems for newspapers by Normal Bean ~ PM, TA, OT, The Avenger, GM, "For the Fool's Mother" western short story, Ape Man (RT), Inner World (AEC), Prince of Helium (WM)
February 28, 1913: Birth of John Coleman Burroughs.

Sept. 25, 1913-
March 1914
550 A Ave.
Coronado Island
across the bay from San Diego

4036-3rd St.
San Diego, CA.
ERB works on:
Return of Tarzan, Cave Girl, Mucker, Mad King, Eternal Lover, BT, The Lad and the Lion, Girl from  Harris's, Thuvia-Maid of Mars, Pellucidar

May 11, 1914-1917
6415 Augusta St. (414) ~ Oak Park
(After a two-month stay at the Hulbert home at 2005 (194) Park Ave.
Cost: $8,500 ~ Lot size 45'x136' ~ Running water & sewer, 2 baths, 3 toilets, sleeping porch, garage
Also stays at the Hulbert family farm at Coldwater, Michigan.

1915 - Son of Tarzan, Beyond Thirty, Lion Hunter & His Majesty the Janitor & other movie synopses, Jewels of Opar, HRH The Rider, Maneater

Camping trip from Oak Park to California the family lived in LA from Dec. 1916-Mar. 31, ??1917
See ERB Bio for a list of names given to the various camps

355 South Hoover St., 
Los Angeles

New Stories of Tarzan (Jungle Tales of Tarzan) written in Oak park, on camping trip and LA.~
Tribe of Tarzan is formed
An AutoBiography

1917 April 3 -
1918 May
700 Linden Ave.
Oak Park

Moved to this stucco house when ERB sold the Augusta St. house.

ERB works on movie deals and militia activities
Land that Time Forgot, Little Door
1918 -1919 325 North Oak Park Ave.
Oak Park
"The Doring House": 
A large 3-story, concrete house
with an elevator
Patriotic articles and poems
1020 North Boulevard 
Rented storefront business office,
used as writing room & army 
recruiting office
1919 Jan 31: leave 
for LA - Arrive Feb 3 
Alvarado Hotel
6th Street, Los Angeles 
near Westlake Park 
(now MacArthur Park)
1919 1729 North Wilton Avenue
(Wilton Place), Hollywood
A short stay in a rented house.

1919 March 1

Tarzana Ranch
San Fernando Valley, CA

ERB buys Mil Flores for $125,000
"Under the Red Flag" - Tarzan and the Valley of Luna - Efficiency Expert -Tarzan the Terrible ~ 1921: Man Without a Soul, Chessmen of Mars ~ 1922: The Girl from Hollywood, Moon Men, Tarzan and the Golden Lion, Beware ~ 1923: Bandit of Hell's Bend, Tarzan and the Ant Men ~
1924: Marcia of the Doorstep
June 1924 or 1925 
House & 125 acres sold
544 S. Gramercy Place
Los Angeles
[A rented home after leaving the Tarzana house which became the El Caballero Country Club in July]
1925 or 1926 674 South New Hampshire Blvd
Los Angeles
Rental home while waiting for completion of the Mecca Ave. home.
Red Hawk
Ed rents offices in the Commercial Exchange Building in downtown Los Angeles and 
in the Hohm Building at Sixth and Western.

1926 July

5245 (5046) Mecca Ave.
cottage on Lot 76 of tract 5475

[1928 - July 20: Community officially approves the name Tarzana.]
[1929 - 1930: Ed forecloses on  El Caballero and gets back the Tarzana buildings and much of the land.]

Tarzan Twins, War Chief of the Apaches,
ERB moves his office to 
5255 (5135) Avenida Oriente in Tarzana
then to new office, 18354 Ventura 
on July 14, 1927
Starts Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle at old finishes on Ventura - Master Mind of Mars, Apache Devil, You Lucky Girl, Jad-bal-Ja and the Tarzan Twins, Tarzan and the Lost Empire, Tanar of Pellucidar, Tarzan and Pellucidar (Tarzan at the Earth's Core)
A Fighting Man of Mars, The Dancing Girl of the Leper King

1930 November
Return to 
Tarzana main house

December 16: Tarzana, California is officially registered as a city with its own post office.

Tarzan Jr.,  The Ghostly Script, Tarzan and the Man Things, That Damned Dude,
1931 - Tarzan and the Raiders, "Calling All Cars," Tarzan and the Leopard Men , Pirates of Venus, Tarzan the Invincible, Tarzan and the City of Gold
1932 - 'Murder Mysteries,' Tarzan - the Apeman movie, Pirate Blood

1932 August

Beach House
90 Malibu La Costa Beach
August: Ed purchases a home in Malibu when he realizes that the planned renovations of the Tarzana home will be too expensive.
September 13, 1933: Ed is elected mayor of Malibu Beach. 

Lost on Venus, Radio Premiere, Tarzan Club
1933 - Tarzan Clans, Tarzan and the Lion Man
Swords of Mars
1934 Feb 19 The Garden of Allah, Villa 23 - Hollywood
1934 April 17 2029 Pinehurst Road, LA
1934 October 20 The Dearholts' 
West Hollywood Apartment
Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher, Tarzan and Jane (Tarzan's Quest),
Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises office is located at 8476 Sunset Boulevard. Plans are made to film a Tarzan movie in Guatemala.
1934 October 21 Las Vegas six-week Residency at
Apache Hotel in Las Vegas
Emma moved to 
10452 Bellagio Road in Bel Air
Limited and uneven creative ouput due to marriage split
1934 Late December 7933 Hillside Avenue, Hollywood
1935 January 806 Beverly Hills
(previous occupant: Maurice Chevalier)
Back to the Stone Age
1935 Ap. 11 - May 11

1935 May-October
Honeymoon at the 
Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Honolulu
Return to a new residence at

806 Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
1935 October  Leased the Beverly Hills house to Fred Astaire and rented a home for eight months at: 
Arena Road, Palm Springs
Tarzan the Magnificent
1935 Nov - Dec.

1935 Dec. thru
1936 May
Room 823 
Good Samaritan Hospital, LA
Recuperated at:

806 Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills
December 3: Ed writes the light verse, "Dear Old Eight-Two-Three," while convalescing
1936 May 2315 North Vermont Avenue
1936/37 The Hearst-owned
Chateau Elysee 
5930 Franklin Avenue
1937 June Sunset Plaza Apartments
(a stylish art deco aparment building above Sunset Strip - other tenants were actor Ralph Bellamy and mobster Johnny Roselli)
Tarzan and the Elephant Men,  Seven Worlds to Conquer (Back to the Stone Age), Carson of Venus, Tarzan and the Forbidden City ,
1938- Synthetic Men of Mars,
1939 August 31 716 North Rexford Drive
Luxury apt for Flo's after-op recuperation
1940 April

Lanikai Monument
Beach house
Kailua Bay, Lanikai, Hawaii
(photo of the site today)
Llana of Gathol, Escape on Venus, Tarzan and the Madman
1940 August 28
2623 Halelena, Hawaii

[Office: 1298 Kapiolani Boulevard]
(photo of the site today)

Savage Pellucidar, Beyond the Farthest Star, Tarzan and the Castaways, Tangor Returns
1940 December
Niumalu Hotel
(photo of the site today)
1941 - "Misogynists Preferred" "Wizard of Venus,"I Am A Barbarian,"Laugh It Off" columns
1942  War Diaries: Happenings in New Caledonia and Australia.
1943 "More Fun! More People Killed!"
1944 "Uncle Bill," Tarzan and "The Foreign Legion"

1945 Dec. 26 - 1950
5465 Zelzah Avenue, Encino Worked on syndicated Tarzan strips
Bill Hillman at ERB, Inc. Office and Warehouse
ERB, Inc. Office
(Back Entrance and Warehouse)
Ventura Boulevard, Tarzana

For larger photo images of many of the ERB homes
visit the OB Photo Galleries at:
ERBzines 0251 and 0252

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Some ERB Images and Tarzan© are Copyright ERB, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2004 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.