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The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Volume 0280


John Clayton, Lord Greystoke

Part 1: The Mortelmans Four Square Covers
A Princess of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverGods of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverGods of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverWarlord of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverWarlord of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverMaster Mind of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverSynthetic Men of Mars - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan of the Apes - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverBeasts of Tarzan - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverSon of Tarzan - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan's Jungle Tales - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan and the Jewels of Opar - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan the Untamed - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan the Terrible - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan and the Golden Lion - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan and the Ant-Men - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan at the Earth's Core - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan the Invincible - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan Triumphant - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan and the City of Gold - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan's Quest - 4 Square - Mortelmans coverTarzan the Magnificent - 4 Square - Mortelmans cover

Part 2 ~ Pinnacle ~ New English ~ Four Square ~ Tandem
Tarzan of the Apes - UK Tandem 1929 - RansomTarzan of the Apes - TandemReturn of Tarzan - TandemBeasts of Tarzan - TandemSon of Tarzan - New EnglishSon of Tarzan - PinnacleJungle Tales of Tarzan - PinnacleTarzan and the Jewels of Opar - TandemTarzan and the Jewels of Opar - 4 SquareTarzan the UntamedTarzan, Lord of the Jungle - PinnacleTarzan and the Lost Empire - Early Pinnacle EditionTarzan and the City of Gold - PinnacleTarzan at the Earth's Core - PinnacleTarzan and the Forbidden CityTarzan and the Forbidden CityTarzan and the Lion Man - PinnacleTarzan's Quest - PinnacleTarzan's Quest - 4 SquareTarzan and the Leopard Men - PinnacleTarzan and the Leopard Men - 4 SquareTarzan the Invincible - PinnacleTarzan the Magnificent - PinnacleTarzan TriumphantTarzan and the Castaways - New English 1974Tarzan and the Foreign Legion

A Princess of Mars - PinnacleA Princess of Mars - New EnglishGods of Mars - New English LibraryWarlord of Mars - PinnacleWarlord of Mars - New English LibraryWarlord of Mars - New EnglishThuvia, Maid of Mars - TandemThuvia, Maid of Mars - New EnglishChessmen of Mars - New EnglishMaster Mind of Mars - New EnglishSwords of Mars - 4 SquareFighting Man of Mars - 4 SquareFighting Man of Mars - New EnglishSynthetic Men of Mars - New EnglishLlana of Gathol - 4 SquareLlana of Gathol - New EnglishJohn Carter of Mars - New EnglishJohn Carter of Mars - 4 Square

Pirates of Venus - PinnaclePirates of Venus - 4 SquarePirates of Venus - New EnglishLost of Venus - PinnacleEscape on Venus -  4 SquareLost on Venus - New EnglishEscape on Venus - New EnglishCarson of Venus - New EnglishCarson of Venus - PinnacleCarson of Venus - New EnglishWizard of Venus - New English

At the Earth's Core - TandemPellucidar - TandemTanar of Pellucidar - TandemBack to the Stone Age - TandemLand of Terror - TandemSavage Pellucidar - TandemTarzan at the Earth's Core - PinnacleTarzan at the Earth's Core - 4 Square

Outlaw of Torn - Early Pinnacle EditionCave Girl - TandemEternal Lover - PinnacleEternal Savage - TandemMonster Men - 4 SquareLost Continent - TandemLand of Hidden Men - TandemLand That Time Forgot - TandemPeople That Time Forgot - TandemPeople That Time Forgot - TandemOut of Time's Abyss - TandemMoon Maid - TandemMoon Men - TandemBeyond the Farthest Star - Tandem


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