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The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Volume 0385



...and now...
for the REST of the STORY...
thru' the eyes of the PRINCESS of MARS:
What an incredible weekend...
and I should be the envy of all ERBfans
of the feminine gender who missed this event.

JoN and Dejah spot Jim at the Nashville Airport
Grab a cuppa, put on your slippers 'cos
this expose could take a while...
as some of you will have experienced ...
I am rather long winded...
as well as long limbed ; )
Clarksville ECOF logo by Jeff Doten We had quite a week before the event, explaining to family and friends that we were not going to Nashville to record, nor to a restaurant convention... but to something MUCH bigger... ECOF... in CLARKSVILLE!
Jim Thompson greets Hillmans at Nashville Airport The excitment commenced as soon as our flyer touched down... Jim Thompson, ERBDOM's most tenacious McDonald premium chaser, was there to meet us. Enroute, Jim decided to test our Canuckian bravery by blowing out one of his tires... Man!!! that hubcap could fly! While the more physically suited gender changed the tire, I was enjoying my first walk along the speedways of Tennessee searching for the elusive hubcap. Absolute nuts! I was not about to cross over traffic in my search... Dej would have been the first roadkill to attend ECOF...
Jim and part of his McDonalds Disney Tarzan horde We eventually limped on to Clarksville on 3 1/2 tires where we had  our first glimpse of OJT's "out of control" collection of ERB... actually it was under control in beautiful attorney cases... I knew his McDonald forays were frantic...BUT! 4 of the same display?! and a special room for only ERB collectibles. I guess I can't complain about JoN's obsession anymore...He was drooling, of course... not only over ERB but over ALL of OJT's book collection... Hollywood, China, literature, fiction, reference...cats. He kept saying, "See, this is how normal people live." At least, Linda has equal space for her cat collection.... I regret not having a closer look at all the collections at Friday's BBQ as I had "strategic meetings" with my Alabama Wranglers. Hopefully, that was not the "Last train to Clarksville" as I would love a second look...altho' I am not sure OJT and Linda could survive another onslaught. By all reports, the southern style BBQ pork was a big hit!
George McWhorter: Jeddak of Jasoom aka Tublat Our first taste of southern cuisine was...SUBWAY! Almost like home, EXCEPT for the arrival of George TUBLAT McWhorter and Bobbie Rucker. We apparently share the same tastes... not only for ERB... It was indeed a pleasure to meet up with the formidable GTM although I thought he should have expressed himself more vocally once he had his first bite of red meat. Bobbie Rucker
Southern Belle: Linda Thompson We met our first southern belle... actually two.. if Australia would be considered as "south"... as we drove onto Hachland Hall grounds. Linda Thompson and Sue Stubbersfield (NOT Stubblefield) met us with southern charm. At sight of the Canucks, it must have dawned on Linda what she was really in for! Thank you Linda, for your hospitality AND patience... :) Southern Belle from Oz: Sue Stubbersfield
Hachland Hall - Clarksville, Tennessee Southern architecture has always fascinated me -- gentle elegance -- and Hachland Hall was no exception. Inn keeper, Hila COULD pass as Attila, until you expose her softer side... talk food! I checked out her kitchen immediately... no wok... The decor is warm ... and comfy... just needed a few ERB touches here and there. The Moon Maid banner in the common room helped fill that oversight.
Rob Greer: Rob Greer... our first challenger... with his palm over his name tag... "Who am I?" ??? ARGH! But being the Princess that I am, I hugged him, he gave in... and revealed himself. Tasor... with the first huckster's table all set with enticing items. I breathed a sigh of relief as JoN noted that he had the items already in his collection.
Chief Engineer: Bruce Wood - aka Abner Perry Abner Perry (Bruce Wood) was next... strutting his stuff... 3-D cartography, his ERB Atlas CD-ROM, special editions, etc. His latest project obviously, is building a Trans-Pellucidarian railroad as he was seldom seen without his engineer's cap. Even tho' his library is hidden somewhere in Pellucidar, he carries a mental version of every written word by ERB.
King of the Pastiche: Barry Stubbersfield Barry Stubbersfield was presiding over the "roll call" when we entered the common room. We thought we'd travelled a distance for ERB... but AUSTRALIA ? Wonderful to finally meet someone with whom we are familiar through the writing of ERB pastiches. We shared many topics of interest throughout the weekend... from acquiring Tom Yeates' original art work, to Vegi-mite... to Sue's collection of "chocks" (chickens). Our respective collections would multiply immensely if her chocks got together with my collection of roosters!
Dave Critchfield: aka von Horst - aka Juggler Dave Critchfield... von Horst as we know him... arrived with his unicycle and balls... juggling balls... shy newbie, but so interesting. Pellucidar is his forte... and much credit to his website. Dave also has a website on princesses ...beautiful. ;)  I tried to convince Dave that he REALLY needed to sport a G-string to make his unicycle act a REAL standout in a crowd. Von Horst was most adept in coaching Dick Spargur in his recipe challenge with me late Saturday night. In fact, we worked ourselves into a hunger frenzy...!  Will it be Sechuan? Hunan? Italian? Greek? or Pat Vinson's version of roast boar?
The Vinsons Brad and Pat Vinson arrived at HH only to play musical rooms... left, right, or extreme left of the bathroom? One bed... two beds or three? They settled on one bed... only to be moved into the two bed room... only to be moved back into their original choice when Mary Burroughs and Mary Fowler arrived next morning. The Vinsons were our guides driving through Clarksville in search of our first meal... Olive Garden.
Lord Passmore: Tracy Griffin and Dej Tracy Griffin - Lord Passmore – returned home to the southland to check on the other half of his collection. His prize possessions are split between California and Mississippi, the plan being to hedge his losses between earthquakes and tornadoes. Tracy – host of last year’s Tarzana Dum-Dum and representing the LA SubERB chapter at this year’s ECOF –  keeps his fingers on the pulse of ERB Inc. and happenings in Tarzana and Hollywood. Tarzana Dum-Dum 99 logo by Bill Stout
Bloody British Hooligan aka Laurence Dunn and Lord Passmore Somewhere along the line, Tracy hooked up with the Bloody British Hooligan, Laurence Dunn... a good pairing considering Laurence's connections to British royalty and Tracy's family ties to THE TUPELO KING. En route to ECOF, they paid homage at Graceland. BBH is the envy of us all... having attended 23 ERB gatherings. THIS, of course, is his REAL job... 
BBH in his trusty Stingray On Sunday at the Bowling Green Corvette Museum, while en route to Louisville, I tried to convince BBH that colour IS important in the choice of a Corvette! I wonder now, if the "wreck" the guys posed in front of, is one of many that Laurence introduced to concrete walls while driving across America in search of ERB. Dejah finally gets to drive the 'vette
Bill Campbell examining wares in the Huckster Room Jim had forewarned us about a friend of his who would be setting up a table in the huckster's room. This in no way prepared us for Bill Campbell – what a southern gentleman. His display was impressive... and this was what he had remaining after disposal of the main part of his ERB collection! I kept tight reins on JoN whenever he grazed too close to that section of the room.
As Thursday progressed... more of our ERB family arrived. In order for OJT to get a new tire, I took over some of the registration duties. This was a great opportunity to greet old friends and make new acquaintances.
A fanfare announces:
ARRIVAL of the first of the PANTHANS!
Tarak, the Tawny-Haired Barbarian makes his entrance Tarak - the Tawny Haired Barbarian (Bob Woodley) and newest member of the esteemed Panthan group – arrived in a cloud of Marlboro smoke... a lean, mean machine ready for the bloody battle with Predator (Dennis Wilcutt). "Who's in charge? Is there food here? What do you mean TARA didn't come? Where do I sleep? Is there air-conditioning?" WHEW! THB is finally settled in the "smokers' cabin", then proceeded to do battle with a full-grown tree that somehow jumped behind his Sport truck while he wasn't looking. "Jeeze... Can ya sue a tree? Whiplash! What's my deductible? Will I be able to function properly for the comic art panel tomorrow?"
Huck AQ Porter Huckenpöhler Fellow Panthan, Huck "AQ Porter" Huckenpöhler arrived in time to soothe Tarak and to assure him that all will be well. JoN had a video and computer images ready, Huck had his segment set to go...  all THB had to do was manipulate his trusty laptop, moderate... and TALK...and he did that NEARLY as prolifically as he posts :) AQP as always, with his "Blue Book of lists" in hand, checked out the ERB wares on display. A slight tremor was felt in the Hall as Huck discovered one of the two most wanted items from his personal list of "needs." With pipe clasped tight, Huck disappeared with his prize into the cloud of the smoker's den. Throughout the night, roars of laughter and heated discussion emanated from within those walls as Tarak, Abner and Huck enjoyed their Tarzan film festival.
To be continued in ERBzine 0386
Starved whiplashed barbarian hampered by body cast
Be sure to visit our other ECOF 2000 features in ERBzine:
ERBzine: 0371: ECOF 2000 ~ Arrival
ERBzine: 0372: ECOF 2000 ~ Hucksters & Auctioneers
ERBzine: 0373: ECOF 2000 ~ Comics Panel
ERBzine: 0374: ECOF 2000 ~ Thompson Bar-B-Q
ERBzine: 0375: ECOF 2000 ~ Thompson ERB Collection
ERBzine: 0376: ECOF 2000 ~ Mary Burroughs
ERBzine: 0377: ECOF 2000 ~ Tarak & Predator Battle
ERBzine: 0378: ECOF 2000 ~ Tom Yeates At Work: Dejah & JoN I
ERBzine: 0379: ECOF 2000 ~ Tom Yeates At Work: Dejah & JoN II
ERBzine: 0380: ECOF 2000 ~ Banquet
ERBzine: 0381: ECOF 2000 ~ Group Photos
ERBzine: 0382: ECOF 2000 ~ Jim's Book Signing and Catalogue
ERBzine: 0383: ECOF 2000 ~ Brunch
ERBzine: 0384: ECOF 2000 ~ Farewells
ERBzine: 0385: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day I
ERBzine: 0386: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day II
ERBzine: 0387: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day III
ERBzine: 0388: ECOF 2000 ~ Dejah's Diary - Day IV
ERBzine: 0389: Laurence Dunn: Elvis, Tarzan, Superman…!

Volume 0385

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