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Welcome to the TFG’s Faerie Fighting Force (FFF). It is here that we have the opportunity to share, learn, and grow from past, present, and future experiences. Please take full advantage of the links below.

All FFF members will be encouraged to utilize the chat room in TFG’s Retreat. This is a golden opportunity to brainstorm ideas and to relate as a group in the Retreat. Stay tuned for the scheduling of future chats. Head on out to the Mystery Island Training School or the Krawk Island Swashbuckling Academy and enroll your pet in courses that develop their stats. Stop by the Mystery Island Kitchen to do quests that, on occasion, improve your pet’s stats. Feel free to drop by our members page and inspect the pets of FFF members.

There are also many tools to assist in your pets’ growth. The Trading Post is one such tool. Trade for BattleDome or kitchen quest items at the Post.

And speaking of the BattleDome, why not teleport yourself there with another FFF member and get some practice in? You never know when the TFG may need the services of the Faerie Fighting Force…

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