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   LATVIA                       4 days in August 2002

Riga is the largest city in the Baltics. It has a charming and lively center, around wich asphalt and concrete are only to abundant. Heavy traffic, dirty suburbs and polluted air and water constitutes the lions share of the surrounding areas. But the place has definetly got athmosphere, rythm and autenticity. The pulse of the city is vivid and omnipresent like the Daugave river flowing through it.

This picture was taken at the "Ratslaukums" wich is one of the main squares in Riia (Riga).
It is the point where the old center ends and connects with the beginning of the suburbs via the
"Akmens tilts" bridge, crossing the Daugave river.It is also a major hub for busses, trams and regular traffic.