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B'Rel Class

The Klingon Empire's aging war fleet, sagging economy and low morale in the military nearly doomed its capacity to wage long-term military campaigns even on the smallest of fronts. In an attempt to revive the call to war they once had, the Klingon's required a combat vessel that was affordable and that would inspire their people back into battle. The B'rel-class Bird-of-Prey fighters provided the Klingon empire with a new tactic- Search and Destroy. Hearkening back to Earth's pirate history, Captains would be able to roam space and choose targets opportunistically, which assisted greatly in the restoration of the Klingon Empire.

Production Run:
Exact Names and Numbers are presently unknown

Type: Scout
Length: 88 meters
Beam: 130 meters
Height: 21.7 meters
Decks: 3
Mass: 46,300 metric tons
Complement:2 Officers, 12 Enlisted (14 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 1
Standard Mission Duration: 2 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 10 years
Expected Duration: 70 years with refits

1 KWC Dilithium Conversion Graf Unit
1 Hydrogen Energy Impulse Units

Warp 5.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 7.0 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 8.0 Maximum Attainable Speed

2 Gravitic Disruptor Mounts

1 Type KP-5 Photon Torpedo Tube
Special: Cloaking Device
Shields: Deflector Plating and Field Generation System

Primary Computer System: ZD-4 Level 12 Central Processor
Primary Navigation System: Druim-Blinge Vector and Tensor Analysis System

Embarked Craft:


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