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D'Deridex Class

The D'deridex-class is largest known Romulan warship in the Romulan Fleet. It is significantly larger than the Galaxy-Class starships in volume, but slightly less massive. Oddly the D'deridex is also somewhat less maneuverable than a Galaxy. Starfleet has yet to come up with an adequate explanation for this seeming contradiction. The D'deridex has greater firepower than a Galaxy but a somewhat more limited arc of fire. Like all Romulan ships it is powered by an artificial micro-singularity. It is this unusual power source is what gives all Romulan Warbirds their unique 'hollowed out' look.

Production Run:
Exact Names and Numbers are presently unknown

Type: Battleship
Length: 1,041 meters
Beam: 772 meters
Height: 285.5 meters
Decks: 80
Mass: 5,000,000 metric tons
Complement: 250 Officers, 1500 Enlisted, (1750 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 6
Standard Mission Duration: 4 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 17 years
Expected Duration: 100 years with refits

2 Type 5C6 Quantum Singularity Energized Warp Drive Units
2 Class 4A Augmented Nuclear Fusion Impulse Units

Warp 5.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.0 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.6 Maximum Attainable Speed

6 Primary Focus Disruptor Arrays
4 Gravitic Disruptor Mounts

2 Direct-Fire Plasma Torpedo
Special: Cloaking Device
Shields: UNKNOWN

Primary Computer System: UNKNOWN
Primary Navigation System: UNKNOWN

Embarked Craft:
16 Shuttlepods (Various Classes)
8 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)


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