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Excalibur Class

Production Run:
USS Excalibur NX-99080 (MIA)
USS Enterprise NCC-1701-F (MIA)
USS Nimitz NCC-99082
USS John F. Kennedy NCC-99087(DESTROYED)
USS Eisenhower NCC-99100
USS Carl Vinson NCC-99117
USS Theodore Roosevelt NCC-99126 (DESTROYED)
USS Abraham Lincoln NCC-99127
USS George Washington NCC-99130 (MIA)
USS John C. Stennis NCC-99138
USS Valorum NCC-99147
USS Harry S. Truman NCC-99150(DESTROYED)
USS Ronald Reagan NCC-99176
USS George H. W. Bush NCC-99177

Type: Command Carrier
Length: 1,075 meters
Beam: 583 meters
Height: 149 meters
Decks: 42
Mass: 4,550,000 metric tons
Complement:100 Officers, 600 Enlisted, 200 pilots 100-500 Others (1,160 total standard crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 4
Standard Mission Duration: 6 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 18 years
Expected Duration: 105 years with refits

2 LF-65 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units 2 FIG-6 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units

Warp 6 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.999+ Maximum Attainable Speed (Through Slipstream Drive)

6 Type XVI Collimated Phaser Arrays
8 Type XV Collimated Phaser Arrays

1 MK 100 Burst Fire Torpedo Launcher (Photon/Quantum/Transphasic)
4 Mark 85 Direct Fire Photon/Quantum/Tricobalt Torpedo Tubes

Special: Heavy Ablative Hull Armor
Shields: FSQ-9 Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System

Primary Computer System: Class XX Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core/LCARS Version 7.0
Primary Navigation System: RAV/ISHAK Mod 8 Warp Celestial Guidance

Embarked Craft:
4 Workbee General Utility Craft
5 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
6 Shuttlepods (Various Classes)
4 Runabouts (Various Classes)
83 Fightershuttles (Various Classes)


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