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Kahless Class

This new flagship was developed under extreme secrecy even among some political factions within the Klingon High Council during the Federation/Klingon War of 2381. Introduced at the end of the war (circa 2385) its design was a radical departure from the light, agile, offensive minded vessels the Klingon Defense Force is known for producing. It instead was larger than the Federation Excalibur class with just as much firepower and was able to carry a security compliment of 2700 which boosted its role as a siege vessel. It is believed that the ruling family sought a design that symbolized its ultimate power and control of the Klingon Empire and as the reigning power in the Alpha Quadrant.

Production Run:
Exact Names and Numbers are presently unknown

Type: Carrier
Length: 1,100 meters
Beam: 614 meters
Height: 142 meters
Decks: 40
Mass: 5,000,000 metric tons
Complement: 450 Officers, 2700 Enlisted, (3150 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 5
Standard Mission Duration: 9 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 19 years
Expected Duration: 105 years with refits

2 STN10 Dilithium Conversion Graf Units
2 Hydrogen Energy Impulse Units

Warp 6.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.9 Maximum Attainable Speed

25 Gravitic Disruptor Mounts

5 'etlh'a' Type Torpedo Tubes
Special: 2 Planetary Defense Cannons, Cloaking Device
Shields: Zigarktar XX Deflector Plating and Field Generation System

Primary Computer System: Ku-Tan Level 20A Central Processor
Primary Navigation System: Advanced Hov'buS Vector and Tensor Analysis System

Embarked Craft:
15 General Utility Craft
50 Shuttlecraft (various classes)


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