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Norway Class

The Norway-class Starship was designed in the same Starfleet initiative that produced the Saber-class Frigate. The Norway was intended primarily as an advanced escort vessel and was engineered with an eye toward defeating any future Borg invasions. Completed in time to assist the fleet against the Borg incursion into Sector 001 in 2373, the Norway proved itself as a versatile combat vessel and saw action again in the Dominion War. The Norway is fitted with heavier armor and more weapons than the smaller Saber-class Frigate, but sacrifices some of the speed and maneuverability of that class. For this reason, the Norway is used mainly for low-risk exploration and escort missions.

Production Run:
USS Norway NX-63712
USS Gemini NCC-64510 (MIA)
USS Temperance NCC-64702
USS Warsaw NCC-64828 (DESTROYED)
USS Budapest NCC-64923
USS Oslo NCC-66009
USS Darwin NCC-67016
USS Moscow NCC-70041
USS Asgard NCC-80892
USS Belfast NCC-81038 (DESTROYED)

Type: Scientific/diplomatic enhanced destroyer
Length: 300 meters
Beam: 200 meters
Height: 45 meters
Decks: 12
Mass: 650,000 metric tons
Complement: 14 Officers, 84 Enlisted, 0-25 Other (98 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 4
Standard Mission Duration: 4 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 16 years
Expected Duration: 80 years with refits

2 LF-45 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units
2 FIG 6 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units

Warp 6 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 8.4 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9 Maximum Attainable Speed

5 Type XIV Collimated Phaser Arrays

3 Mk 95 Direct Fire Photon Torpedo Tube
Special: None
Shields: FSQ-2 Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System

Primary Computer System: Class XVI Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core/LCARS Version 6.0
Primary Navigation System: RAV/ISHAK Mod 7 Warp Celestial Guidance

Embarked Craft:
Embarked Craft: 2 Shuttlecraft (Type 8)
1 Shuttlepod (Type 16)


Star Trek is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation, no Copyright Infringement Intended. The Achilles Class is copyright of Simon and Schuster Interactive and Gizmo Games. Their website can be accessed through