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Nova Class

Designed for short-range, limited duration missions of a research-oriented nature, the Nova Class starship has proven itself a useful instrument in furthering Starfleet's mission of scientific discovery. Planetary and/or system surveys of brief duration, weeks or months - in interior sectors of the Federation - comprise the primary mission profile for this ship. Generally, after the larger starships have passed through a given sector, smaller vessels like the Nova class follow, doing extensive and in-depth research and analysis.

Production Run:
USS Nova NX-72188
USS Florida NCC-72189 (DESTROYED)
USS Clarke NCC-72193
USS Victoria NCC-72201 (MIA)
USS Alice Springs NCC-72203
USS DeMorra NCC-72218
USS Stuttgart NCC-72226
USS Archon NCC-72281
USS Partridge NCC-72316
USS Wallsey NCC-72933
USS Solaris NCC-72343
USS Equinox NCC-72381 (MIA)
USS Tuscany NCC-72391
USS Cosmos NCC-72462
USS Darwin NCC-72576 (DESTROYED)
USS Rhode Island NCC-72701
USS Havana NCC-72872
USS Hubble NCC-72901 (DESTROYED)
USS Kraken NCC-73012
USS Zodiac NCC-75019
USS Cepheid NCC-75612
USS Gerrard NCC-76830
USS Icarus NCC-77026
USS Corona NCC-77029 (DESTROYED)
USS Phoenix NCC-86700 (DESTROYED)

Type: Planetary Survey Vessel
Length: 165 meters
Beam: 62 meters
Height: 34 meters
Decks: 8
Mass: 80,000 metric tons
Complement: 8 Officers, 48 Enlisted, 0-25 Other (56 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 1
Standard Mission Duration: 2 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 7 years
Expected Duration: 75 years with refits

2 LF-47 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units
2 FIG-7 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units

Velocity: Warp 5 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.4 Maximum Attainable Speed

11 Type XIV Collimated Phaser Arrays

2 Mk 95 Direct-Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes
Special: Planetary Landing
Shields: FSQ 3 Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System

Primary Computer System:Class XV Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core/LCARS Version 6.0
Primary Navigation System: RAV/ISHAK Mod 6 Warp Celestial Guidance

Embarked Craft:
2 Work Bee General Utility Craft
2 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
1 Waverider Atmosphereic Operations Shuttle


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