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The people are the most important aspects of the ships and games making up the First Fleet. As in the American Constitution: The People are Sovereign!

A total of 5 positions within First Fleet may be maintained - one admin character (to the rank of rear admiral and above), one command post (Executive Officer and higher; Commander - Commodore) and three regular character (below the rank of commander). This ensures that you are not hogging valueable positions, and ensures there are enough positions that players can join and get their first choice. The Fleet Commander or Fleet Executive Officer can give a person a special authorization to hold more of these positions if necessary

Your Character must be original, and not an established Star Trek Character, ex: Jean-Luc Picard, Harry Kim, Ben Sisko, etc......

Do not give yourself a rank and/or past ranks held by your character. The Captain will determine that based on your application. At the Duty Station CO's discretion, an optional point system may be used to promote players within a command.

Players may not assume titles or ranks on their own, titles and ranks are given by the duty station CO only. Players found in violation of this will be suspended or removed from the simulation.

You must post at least once every week unless you make other arrangements. If you do not post within a week of your last post you will receive an email from the duty station CO. If you do not post afterward you are suspended from that station and a message will be sent to the command council. If you do not post within a week after you suspension is over you are removed from the game. Make sure to tell your Game Master you're going on vacation Remember one thing, you may post more than once in a week (This will build up your posts and void the above rule per post (2 posts in 1 week = 1 week you don't have to post) furthermore the more you post, the more likely you are to get promoted!

The Command Council understands that in a given mission, not all of the crew members will have an assignment that allows them to directly participate in the mission. There are some steps to take to ensure that you receive orders and can be active:

1.) Contact your Dept. Head and ask them what you can be doing to serve the ship. Your Dept. Head should be able to find a suitable assignment for you based on your rank and position. If they cannot, they will report to the XO and ask for instruction. If the XO cannot solve the issue, it will go up to the CO. At no time should a junior officer go directly to the CO for orders unless your job or assignment directly requires it.

2.)Post what you are doing in your off duty time. Fewl free to explore the ships holodeck or meet with a member of the crew (or go by yourself) to the ship's Mess Hall or Lounge. Something is always going on in there.

Failure to observe the chain of command in this will result in corrective action.

Do not start the ship on a new mission. The GM of each vessel is responsible for that. Doing so will inevitably cause a story split so if you have a mission idea, send it to your CO.

Post with your character and your character name only! Posting as someone else without permission is grounds for immediate dismissal. The exceptions are joint posts and posts where you include someone's character. Again, do not post under someone else's name. The only one's permitted to do this are the CO and the XO of the duty station on which you serve and this will only be done to finish a storyline.

If you decide to post a recruitment ad for your ship in another First Fleet Sim we have one suggestion DON'T! Players who recruit for their own duty station in others will surely find themselves in a JAG hearing. On the same line, it is not permitted to recruit within other RPG sims. The reputation of the entire organisation can be easily damaged by such acts. Recommended places to get players are newsgroups, message boards, and regular free forms of internet advertising such as banner exchanges and webrings.

These rules are based on those of Tachyon RPO. Please feel free to check out their website at

This site is currently under construction. Please keep checking back, as it is constantly being worked on. Thanks!


Star Trek is the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation, no Copyright Infringement Intended.