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Starbase 1

Starbase 001 (Affectionately known as Starbase: Immense) is the largest Federation base currently in operation. Designed and built to replace the older Spacedock used from the mid 23rd century, Starbase 001 has a wide variety of duties much like its predecessor. Starbase 001 is utilized to provide command and control functions for the Federations mighty starfleet and reports directly to the Starfleet Command CinC. In addition to this role it also is called upon to supply and/or service starships, colonies, and other starbases. Currently Starbase 001 is the only member of its class.

Type: Starfleet Command/Starship Support
Diameter: 18,000 meters
Height: 13,900 meters
Decks: 3971 (Including Starship Docking Bays)
Mass: 750,000,000 tons
Complement: 3000 Officers, 18,000 Enlisted 0-55,620 Other (76,625 Total Standard Crew including Transients)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 7
Standard Mission Duration: Open Ended
Recommended Yard Overhaul: Open Ended
Expected Duration: Open Ended



176 RIM-XVIC Independent Twin Mount Phaser Emplacements (88 Banks/2 each)

40 Mk-100 Burst Fire Torpedo Launchers (Photon/Quantum/Transphasic/Tricobalt)
Special: Capable of supporting one Enterprise Class starship in lower drydock
Shields: Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System

Primary Computer System: Class XXIV Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core/LCARS Version 7.0

Embarked Craft:
300 Work Bee General Utility Craft
150 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
200 Shuttlepods (Various Classes)
230 Fightershuttles (Various Classes)
75 Runabouts (Various Classes)
4 Support Ships (Various Classes)


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