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Scimitar Class

The Scimitar-class vessel was the brainchild of Reman General Shinzon in his coup of the Romulan Government in 2380. Designed to pacify enemy combatants quickly, the Scimitar first saw action during the final battles of the Dominion Wars as General Shinzon's personal Flagship Vessel. Following that battle the Scimitar was again used against the Federation Starship Enterprise-E in an attempt to capture and kill Jean Luc Picard. The Scimitar, a primarily Reman vessel, was destroyed in battle but not before exhausting the Enterprise's entire complement of weapons, disabling the prototype starship Valdore, and destroying the Valdore's sistership Norexan. No plans are in motion to continue production on the Scimitar Class which Jean Luc Picard notably labelled a Predator.

Production Run:
Exact Names and Numbers are presently unknown

Type: Heavy Battleship
Length: 890 meters
Beam: 1350 meters
Height: 245 meters
Decks: 70
Mass: 6,000,000 metric tons
Complement: 300 Officers, 1800 Enlisted, (2100 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 3
Standard Mission Duration: 7 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 20 years
Expected Duration: 120 years with refits

2 Type 7C5 Quantum Singularity Energized Warp Drive Units
2 Class 6A Augmented Nuclear Fusion Impulse Units

Warp 6.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.5 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.9 Maximum Attainable Speed

52 Primary Focus Disruptor Arrays

27 Direct-Fire Plasma Torpedo
Special: Cloaking Device, Thalaron Radiation Emitter
Shields: UNKNOWN

Primary Computer System: UNKNOWN
Primary Navigation System: UNKNOWN

Embarked Craft:
10 Shuttlepods (Various Classes)
5 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
65 Scorpion Class Fighters


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