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Steamrunner Class

A string of Borg victories over Starfleet demonstrated the need for a highly maneuverable ship with improved weapons. The Steamrunner was the response, with a low profile and an increased firing rate for both torpedo banks and phasers. The Steamrunner also incorporated an enhanced threat analysis sytem and enhanced shield phasing technology.

Production Run:
USS Steamrunner NX-52129
USS Appalachia NCC-52136
USS Friedman NCC-52417 (DESTROYED)
USS Invincible NCC-52503 (DESTROYED)
USS Lvov NCC-52871
USS Spider NCC-53490 (DESTROYED)
USS Fokker NCC-53771
USS Trailblazer NCC-55477
USS Stalwart NCC-55894 (MIA)
USS Brisbane NCC-56080
USS Willoughby NCC-56772
USS Hiroshima NCC-59015
USS Zurich NCC-59681 (DESTROYED)
USS Sulu NCC-81793
USS Phoenix NCC-92477

Type: Destroyer
Length: 244 meters
Beam: 160 meters
Height: 40 meters
Decks: 9
Mass: 375,000 metric tons
Complement: 20 Officers, 120 Enlisted, 0-50 Other (140 Total Standard Crew)

Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 3
Standard Mission Duration: 2 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 11 years
Expected Duration: 75 years with refits

2 LF-45 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units
2 FIG 6 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units

Warp 7.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 9.9 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.99 Maximum Attainable Speed

6 Type XV Collimated Phaser Arrays

2 Mk Direct Fire Photon/Quantum/Tricobalt Torpedo Launchers
Special: None
Shields: FSQ-3 Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System

Primary Computer System: Class XIV Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core
Primary Navigation System: RAV/ISHAK Mod 4 Warp Celestial Guidance

Embarked Craft:
3 Shuttlecraft (Various Classes)
5 Shuttlepods (Various Classes)br>


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