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Welcome to USS United States NX-100000, a prototype starship assigned to First Fleet. After years of hard and long conflict, Starfleet has begun production on the United States Class starship to fill the role of dedicated exploration and defense ships started with the Galacy Class of the 24th century. Please feel free to read below for more information.

Current Crew Manifest

Commanding Officer/Captain: Field Captain Samantha Evans
Executive Officer: Lieutenant Commander Corcurachan MacAodhfionn
Chief of Security/Tactical Officer: AVAILABLE
Chief Engineering Officer: AVAILABLE
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Grant Morgan
Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Thomas Gereon
Chief of Flight Control/Operations: Ensign (PROVISIONAL) Anton
Chief of the Boat: Chief Petty Officer Vulker
Chief Steward: Crewman James Doughty

Transport Aboard the United States

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