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Vor'Cha Class

Even though the K'tinga-Class had proven itself battle worthy, by the middle of the 24th Century it was being outmatched by the new Federation Ambassador class starships. The Klingon Empire required a new Attack Cruiser design that would fit into the evolving Klingon Fleet formations. Not only it would serve as a close fleet support vessel but also as a fast troop carrier. Despite its classification of heavy cruiser it has shown itself to be quite successful in long-range pursuit.

Production Run:
Exact Names and Numbers are presently unknown

Type: Attack Cruiser
Length: 481.3 meters
Beam: 341.8 meters
Height: 106.9 meters
Decks: 24
Mass: 2,238,000 metric tons
Complement:260 Officers, 1560 Enlisted, 80 Pilots (1900 Total Standard Crew)
Diplomatic Capabilities: Grade 3
Standard Mission Duration: 2 years
Recommended Yard Overhaul: 6 years
Expected Duration: 90 years with refits

2 STN8A Dilithium Conversion Graf Unit
2 Hydrogen Energy Impulse Units

Warp 6.0 Standard Cruising Speed
Warp 8.8 Maximum Cruising Speed
Warp 9.6 Maximum Attainable Speed

16 Gravitic Disruptor Mounts

3 'etlh'a Type Photon Torpedo Tubes
Special: Forward Warhead Separation, Cloaking Device
Shields: 16 Deflector Plating and Field Generation Syste

Primary Computer System: Ku-Tan Level 20 Central Processor
Primary Navigation System: Advanced Hov'buS Vector and Tensor Analysis System

Embarked Craft:
10 General Utility Craft
25 Shuttlecraft (various classes)


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