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Biography for Admiral Kristen S. Westphalen
Fleet Executive Officer

Kristen Westphalen

Name: Kristen Stephanie Westphalen
Age: 57
Species/Gender: Human/Female
Place of Birth: Crylox Colony
Parents: Mother-Commander Camile Scott, M.D., CMO, Crylox Colony
Father-Rear Admiral Brad Steven Scott-Deceased
Siblings: Sister-Commander Elizabeth Mary Thompson Scott, XO Starbase 318
Height: 5 Feet 8 Inches inches
Weight: 146 Pounds
Position: Executive Officer, First Fleet
Commanding Officer, Starfleet Headquarters
Duty Shift: Alpha
Marital Status: Widowed - Husband-Commodore Matthew Allen Westphalen
Married - Husband-Captain Kevin Stryker, Chief of Security at SFHQ
Children: Adopted Daughter-Lieutenant Amber Szar, Personal Security Attaché to the CnC
Step Daughter-Captain Jana Margaret Westphalen, CO USS Norfolk
Adopted Daughter-Shelly Fisher
Adopted Son-Paul Fisher
E-mail: Admiral Kristen Westphalen
Yahoo!: melissaadams22
MSN: Unavailable
ICQ: None

Distinguishing Marks

  • Light Blue Eyes.
  • Fire Red hair.


  • Singing and Music
  • Theater
  • Literature
  • Public Speaking

Personality Profile

  • Kristin Westphalen is not only an accomplished commander but a medical doctor as well. She’s the type of officer who sees what needs done and gets it done. She pushes herself and those around her to the limit and beyond to show they hold the potential that they both knew they had. The woman is also hard to the point of pushing herself too much, she believes that she has all the answers every time and if someone fails then it falls on her shoulders for the reason they failed.

    She has a high responsibility to duty and especially family the three different children she has adopted since her return to Earth prove that. Commitment is not a word that Kristin takes lightly as she prepares to enter into her second marriage after the death of her first husband Matthew in 2409.

    Kristin is someone who wants to learn all the time, learn better and new ways to do proven methods. She believes that you can never know too much as well both professionally and personally. Suffering from the ability to overwork often times medical or counseling personnel to insist that she relax and have fun.

    She enjoys sports as well as physical activity though can also curl up with a good book and be as contented as she is playing Parrises Squares, which medical officers have cautioned her over.

    Kristin has suffered lots of personal nightmares in her brief fifty some years but she has risen and walked beyond them every time and most of the time with the help of her family.





Kristin Stephanie Westphalen was born early in the morning of January 17, 2357 on the Federation Colony World of Crylox to Mr. And Mrs. Brad Scott.

In 2367 Kristin was blessed with a younger sister named Elizabeth Mary Scott.

2372 saw young Kristin entering Jim Kirk Memorial High School on Crylox Colony.

In 2379 Kristin was accepted into the Accelerated Training Program for Starfleet Academy.


Young Kristin Scott entered Starfleet Medical School in 2379.

2385 saw Kristin entering Starfleet Academy’s Advanced Officer Training Courses.


In 2387 Kristin was assigned as the Chief Helm Officer aboard the USS Star Fire under the command of Captain Malcolm.

2388 saw newly promoted Kristin Scott as the Assistant Chief of Operations at Starbase 187 serving under Captain O’Dell.

Commander Davidson requested Lt. Junior Grade Scott as his Chief Operations Officer aboard the USS Farscape with a promotion to Lieutenant upon acceptance of the assignment.

In 2395 Lieutenant Kristin Scott was selected for a special assignment by Starfleet Command, The assignment lasted a year and all details are classified for Federation Security.

2396 saw Kristin being promoted to Lt. Commander and assuming the position as the Executive Officer aboard the USS Independence under Captain Howler.

At the end of her tour aboard the Independence Kristin married Commodore Matthew Westphalen who was the Chief of Starfleet Operations in Sector 269. Mark had a daughter from a previous marriage so Kristin quickly set out to make friends with the young woman, Jana Margaret Westphalen.

Kristin and Matthew left for their honeymoon on Earth, an old backcountry location in Australia that Matthew knew about. Never in her life did the young Lt. Commander and new wife ever see anything more handsome than the Australian outback caught in it’s natural splendor and the sight of her new husband, the man whom she loved more than anything spending the time intimate time with here. The honeymoon was short lived as Kristin was assigned to command the USS Challenger B with a promotion to Commander in 2400.

2401 were a year of surprises for Kristin and Matthew as the couple gave birth to their daughter, Camile Allison Westphalen. Camy as Kristin and Matthew called their daughter was born at 0438 in the morning at seven pounds ten ounces with bright blue eyes like her father and short blond hair like her mother. The two newlyweds couldn’t have been happier as their lives together and their careers quickly spun into the magic of their dreams with the birth of the beautiful little girl.

The young Commander was on her way back to duty after a maternity leave for her daughter and to get the USS Challenger B outfitted for housing the infant when the young Doctor/Commander received again new orders in 2402. It seems that the newly commissioned Nautilus USS Hawthorn needed a new Commanding Officer and it was outfitted to handle families as well as civilians where as the Challenger B was now. Kristin was approached and sought command of the ship which also netted her a promotion to Captain.

In 2403 the young Captain was assigned to the Starfleet Specials Operations Division with all details of the mission and reasons being classified for Federation Security. Kristin spent three years commanding Starfleet’s Special Operations until the final mission she went on in 2406. While the specifics are classified the fact is that she was captured and tortured by a group hoping to use her to bargain with the Federation. She was held for almost four months before Starfleet could rescue her and she was near death when retrieved and turned over to the care of the doctors and counselors at Starfleet Medical and Counseling Headquarters on Earth.

After being released from Starfleet medical care after her return from the mission Kristin enjoyed an additional four weeks personal leave before returning to active duty and reporting to Earth for her new assignment. A promotion to Fleet Captain and Division Supervisor for Sector 219 Operations greeted the returning officer in 2406.

2407 was a year of tragedy for the couple as their daughter was killed when a mental patient escaped his escort and took hostages in a nearby grade school. Camile had just started kindergarten and had been going only six weeks when the man who was convinced that the teachers and children were really Cardassian spies put off several pulse grenades and blew himself, the children and the teachers up. Kristin was alone at home when she received word of her daughter’s death and Matthew was quickly called home to help calm his hysterical wife who had to take a three month psychological leave for treatment upon the death.

2408 saw Kristin transferring to the Twelfth Fleet Commanding Officer. The Twelfth fleet was a new experimental fleet and needed a commander with vision and insight for the future and that was why she was chosen. She spent eight months supervising the project before finally finishing the new multi-phasic shielding that would become standard on all Starships build after this time. It would revolutionize the explorations and protections that these ships would be required to do.

Kristin’s career and her life seemed to be perfect and going at a pace that anyone in Starfleet service would be honored to have happening. On top of that she had a loving husband who was on a fast track career as well and a step-daughter who she loved and who loved her back, life couldn’t possibly get any better at this point.

It didn’t get better though, it got worse. Starfleet was engaged in a massive battle at Polaris and she was slated to join it later that day when she received word that the man she had loved, wanted to spend the rest of her life with had been killed when his ship was attacked and it exploded. Newly promoted Fleet Captain Kristin Westphalen retired from Starfleet service when she received word of her husband’s death in the battle of Polaris in 2409.

In 2410 Kristin returned to active service and received a promotion to Commodore and the Chief of Sector 189 Medical Services. This was due in no small part to her best friend since medical school, Deborah Warland. Deb as she called her had chased Kristin for most of the year she was off duty from resigning and kept trying to get her back until finally she broke through and helped to re-light a fire that Westphalen was sure had gone out at least a year ago though it felt like fifty without Matt to support and hold her.

Westphalen was transferred to Chief of Starfleet Command Operations and Deployment from Starbase 187 in 2411 and received a promotion to Vice Admiral. The newly promoted Vice Admiral had the universe by the tail it seemed in all areas except her personal life, there had been no one since Matthew and when he died she died right along with him and had been living for her career and her step-daughter only. It had gotten her the respect and a career but left one part of her life dreadfully barren and alone.

Her final assignment took her back to Earth as the new First Fleet Executive Officer and Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet Headquarters with a promotion to Admiral in 2414. Kristin had only been back to earth for a few months when she found herself not only the target of a former friend and Starfleet Officer’s terrorist attacks but also found herself in love with the man that was the Chief of Security and an friend of hers, then Commander Kevin Stryker.

Kristin met Kevin years ago when she was travelling aboard the USS Enterprise E for an assignment and was kidnapped only to have the man save her with the senior officer’s help. The love they felt for each other quickly blossomed into something much more elaborate and are currently planning their wedding with their adopted children Lieutenant Amber Szar and Paul and Shelly Fisher as well as her visiting step-daughter from her first marriage Jana Westphaelen.


Kristin Westphalen has suffered many injures throughout her career and while she has no problems medically that would affect her performing her duties at this time she has suffered the following:

2374-Two broken ribs and a fractured right pinkie from a Parrises Squares tournament in high school.

2377-A mild concussion from being knocked unconscious during flight exercises at Starfleet Academy.

2381-A bout of Cardassian Influenza while treating a visiting diplomat at the Medical infirmary at Earth. Also a broken left ankle when thrown into a log dam in a natural lake by two other medical students playing a joke.

2387-Suffered a severe concussion and light bruising when in a Tai-Chewan Tournament at Starbase Alpha Zedi Nine.

2396-Suffered three broken ribs, a broken nose, a split lip and minor scrapes and bruising on the arms and legs with the cause unknown.

2401-Gave birth to daughter Camile Westphalen with no complications during delivery.

2406-Placed on medical leave and treated for severe methods of torture including beatings, burning, starvation and dehydration. Was placed on a four week personal leave after an eight week recuperation period.

2407-Was placed on a three month psychological leave and treatment schedule upon the death of her daughter Camile at the hands of an escaped mental patient.

2409-Upon the death of husband Matthew Westphalen Kristin resigned from Starfleet service and returned home to Crylox Colony. No medical or psychological reasons could be found to halt her resignation.

2412-Suffered minor burns over ten percent of her body from jumping in front of an exploding conduit and saving a crewman from the burns.

2414-Suffered light bruises at the hands of Scott Smith when kidnapped and placed on medical and psychological leave for overwork and exhaustion with the adoption of her new family.


Academy Majors

  • Starship Command
  • Piloting
  • Starship Administration
  • Medical
  • Exobiology

Academy Minors

  • Starship Operations
  • Flight Control
  • Emergency Medical Techniques
  • Federation law
  • Surgical Techniques

Previous Assignments

    -2387- USS Star Fire, Ensign, Helm Officer
    -2388- Starbase 187, Lieutenant JG, Assistant Operations Officer
    -2391- USS Farscape, Lieutenant, Chief of Operations
    -2395- Starfleet Command , Lieutenant, Special Assignment
    -2396- USS Independence, Lt Commander, Executive Officer
    -2400- USS Challenger, Commander, Commanding Officer
    -2402- USS Hawthorn, Captain, Commanding Officer
    -2403- Starfleet Intelligence, Captain, Starfleet Special Operations Division
    -2406- Starbase 219, Fleet Captain, Division Supervisor
    -2408- Twelfth Fleet, Fleet Captain, Commanding Officer
    -2409- RETIRED, Fleet Captain
    -2410- Sector 189, Commodore, Chief of Sector 189 Medical Services
    -2411- Starbase 187, Vice Admiral, Chief of Starfleet Command Operations and Deployment
    -2412- Starfleet Headquarters, Admiral, First Fleet Executive Officer and Head of Starfleet Headquarters

Awards and Medals

  • Federation Medal of Honor Ribbon
  • Federation Medal of Valor Ribbon
  • Federation Distinguished Combat Ribbon
  • Federation Distinguished Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet Act of Distinction Ribbon
  • Starfleet Command Meritorious Service
  • Starfleet Purple Heart X 3
  • McCoy Award of Medicine Ribbon
  • Starfleet Good Conduct Ribbon
  • Starfleet Silver Star
  • Starfleet Gold Star
  • Starfleet Silver Cross
  • Starfleet Peace Ribbon
  • Starfleet Covert Operations Ribbon X 2
  • Starfleet Legion of Honor Ribbon
  • Starfleet 5 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet 10 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet 20 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet 25 Years of Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet Command Deep Space Explorer Ribbon
  • Starfleet Starbase Service Ribbon
  • Starfleet Marksman Hand Phaser Ribbon
  • Starfleet Marksman Phaser Rifle Ribbon
  • Starfleet Advanced Operations Academy Ribbon
  • Starfleet Academy Graduation Ribbon
  • Starfleet Medical Academy Ribbon

Special Quote

  It Starfleet isn't about one person's actions, it's about all people's future.