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The sacred mine, or Carre-Shinob as the Indians refer to it, was left by the "ancient ones." The supposedly contains ancient artifacts hand crafted out of gold, silver and precious stones along with stacks of silver and pure gold. The Indians, out of respect for the ancient ones, have kept the location a secret to most. Esspecially the white man and only allowing a few marvel at the vast beauty and wealth that this chamber holds. But who actually created Carre-Shinob? In dry fork canyon near Vernal Utah, there are some cliffs that run parallel to each other the whole length of the canyon. On these walls are numerous Indian petroglyphs, but along one small section of these cliffs is a type of petroglyph that is unlike any other. It doesn't take much of an expert to figure out these are not your regular Indian writings.

These combinations of petroglyphs and pictographs, look more like Egyptian or Aztec writings. One can plainly see the earrings, necklaces, armbands and breastplates that this group of people wore. It's not hard to imagine and see that this group of people were skilled craftsmen in the art of working with metals (gold, silver, copper, etc.) There is no doubt in my mind after studying these petroglyphs that these are the people who owned, made, stored and hid Carre-Shinob.

In his book entitled "The Gold of Carre-Shinob," Kerry Boren claims to have been in this Indian sacred mine. He tells the reader what he saw while he was there. What he said he saw is exactly what one would have expected to see based on the petroglyphs in Dry Fork. So the question still remains; Are the people who carved these petroglyphs the owners of Carre-Shinob?