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Just Another Friday

Well, almost !!!

It was late night on Thursday with my new future boss, wining and dining at the Burj Al Arab. My head was not too clear, could not find my regular Ray Bans, fortunately I carry a spare pair in the Freelander, but still it was a bit of a rush and Ian had decided to go with Karl-Heinz and his group, Tim had forgotten about a previous lunch appointment, and Peter had to work, leaving Petr and myself again to discover whatever we could.

We met at the EPCO petrol station on the Al Ain Road and set off with a plan to find Al Maha Resort

We drove down to Murquab and using a GPS waypoint for the camel bones and set off across the dunes following tracks where possible finding some interesting desert hideaways before arriving at the Al Maha electric fence.

After have a nose around and checking with our binoculars and seing nothing we motored on a bit and had a bite to eat whilst being watched by a couple of camels.

We then carried on a steady pace until we came across some guy cross-axeled on top of a dune. We decided to take a look and offer assistance if required but when we arrived in the vicinity he managed to free himself.