Quote of the Book

Montana 1948


The quote of the book essay to me would have to be "He seemed to find no humor in the world, and I have no memory of hearing him laugh." This quote seems very appropriate to me, and is the statement that fits well to the book and to my understandings of the book. If this book was lost, this would be the one statement that I would want to remember the most.

Montana 1948 was not a very humorous book, although there are many good parts to it. I think this quote fits well because I think the theme of the book was to not try and take the power you have and over use it. Uncle Frank overused his power as a doctor, and seduced and rapped little girls, which was a huge problem in the story. It came down to his brother decided on letting this get out to the people and charging him for it, or letting it go basically.

I look at this quote totally different from anybody else. When it says "he" at the beginning of the quote, I think of the book, meaning the book has no humor in it and it really doesn’t. This novel was a serious story and made me think of all the people who overuse their power, who hide secrets and of people that live lies. All in all this novel was very interesting and "He seemed to find no humor in the world, and I have no memory of hearing him laugh," is the one quote that I would take from this book to hold on if I could never find Montana 1948 again.