Peru Trip Reports

Peru Photos

In June and July of 2010 Christy and I visited South America for the first time. We spent the entire trip in Peru. We flew into the capital of Lima and spent the first two days there. Highlights of our visit to Lima included the Museo Rafael Larco Herrera and the San Francisco Monastery . From Lima, we flew to Puerto Maldonado. We spent 3+ days at the Corto Maltes Jungle Lodge. Highlights there included visits to Sandoval Lake and the Taricaya Canopy Walk. From there, we headed to Cuzco and the Sacred Valley. After Cuzco, we traveled to Agua Calientes and spent a day visiting world-famous Machu Picchu and climbing Wayna Picchu. From there we flew back to Lima and then took a bus to Huaraz. We spent our first couple of days in Huaraz touring the ruins of Chavin de Huantar and dayhiking to Laguna 69 in the Cordillera Blanca. Then came the main event: 10 days of backpacking in the Cordillera Huayhuash. Unfortunately medical problems forced us to abandon the backpacking trip early. We returned to Huaraz, and I did one final dayhike to Laguna Churup.

The Cordillera Huayhush

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