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Galactic Command – Latest News


Monday, September 17, 2001 - My Condolences…


          I wish to offer my deepest condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one, colleague, or friend in the disgusting attacks on the World Trade Towers and the Pentagon in the United States.   The terrorist group involved in this blind assault will pay for their crimes with their own.


          Progress on G.C. has been very slow for the past few weeks.   It’s September now and I’m back in school so that doesn’t leave much time for programming between horribly tough nightly homework and lengthy assignments, but I’ll tell you what’s new so far…


-         Progress has been made towards a brand new battle system which I think if all goes well will lead to a very cool multiplayer and single player 1 on 1 mode, but it’s still in the early stages as is this game.

-         Main game screen rearranged with new fully functional functions like the medal screen and the mission objectives.

-         I’ve done some early work into some animations and videos for the game and all of it seems to be moving forward quite well.   Some animations would be for mini-cutscenes without video.   I can’t really give anything more specific than that at this point.


Also, due to some file problems I was not able to post the source code for the privileged viewers a couple of weeks ago.   It could be realeased in the next week or so if some source packaging problems can be resolved.


Keeping you informed!


- David


Saturday, November 10, 2001 - Long Time, No Updates...


        Sorry everyone, I've been so busy with programming, internet, going to school, projects, work and other things for a few months and have not had the time to update the page as I would have liked.


        The game is coming along great!   I've added some cool new modes and features to the latest version which I hope to release soon.   Check out the poll at the bottom of the page and vote for what you want to see most improved from the demo!


        Keeping you in the know!


- David



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