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Buck and Bambi's Blog
Sunday, 20 September 2009
On the move

Dominic is into EVERYTHING these days.  As you can see, this lands him in the doghouse from time to time.  We've decided to use up some of his energy by putting him to work, though.  It usually does the trick and he needs a little nap when he is done.













Posted by trek/gavitos at 10:49 AM EDT
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September 2009
The hottest part of summer is over and we survived it and Ramadan (the holy month, when Muslim's fast during the day and the city shuts down until after nightfall).  Alexander is growing fast and the boys are starting to have some fun interacting!

Posted by trek/gavitos at 10:30 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Posted by trek/gavitos at 10:07 AM EDT
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Saturday, 8 August 2009
Family Pictures

We got family pictures taken while we were in Colorado and are just getting around to posting them now.  It was a rainy day, but getting the boys situated was no easy task, so no way we were cancelling!  Enjoy!


















Posted by trek/gavitos at 2:40 AM EDT
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Monday, 3 August 2009
Painting with Aunt Katie

Hey everybody.  We have been absolutely terrible about posting pictures, but hopefully we'll start getting better again.  The boys are doing well and growing fast.  Alexander isn't sleeping through the night yet, but hopefully soon.  Dominic has started talking quite a bit.  Jenny has been busy at work as the acting Consul General.  Tony has been traveling a bit with trips to Kabul and Nairobi. 

Aunt Katie spent the last month in Dubai with us, hanging out, and spending a lo of time with the boys.  The boys loved having her around (so did Tony and Jenny).  Here are some pictures from her last day on Sunday.
























Posted by trek/gavitos at 2:18 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 3 August 2009 2:25 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Welcome Home

Everybody has been asking about Dominic's reaction to Alexander - well, here ya go.  ;o) 











He has actually been really great with him and smiles everytime he is able to get close.











Here is a picture of Alexander sunning himself to get rid of the jaundice.  His tests today came back and his levels have dropped off significantly - so nothing to worry about.  He does seem to take after Al Bundy a bit, though.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 7:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 April 2009
Heading Home
Jenny and Alexander have both been released and we are heading home.  Alexander still has some jaundice, so he will have to be on a light blanket for a few days and have to go back to the hospital for follow-up testing.  He is doing well, though.  Dominic seems excited to have him around.  We'll see how long that lasts.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 1:56 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 April 2009
Introducing Alexander!!

A couple of quick pictures of Alexander.  He is doing great and we're still hopeful about going home tomorrow.  He does have some jaundice, so he is hanging out in the tanning bed today, hoping to bring his levels down.  Dominic came to visit today and was very intrigued by his new little brother.  He was very sweet to Alexander, although showed off his temperamental ways for the rest of us.  Enjoy the pictures!











Posted by trek/gavitos at 6:15 PM EDT
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Friday, 17 April 2009
The Newest Gavito Has Arrived
Mood:  celebratory
Alexander Crawford Gavito arrived at 11:51 AM MST, weighing 9 lbs 5 oz with a length of 21".  Born longer, though thinner than his brother, he has wowed the nurses that aren't used to babies born so large at this altitude.  We had a beautiful snow storm to get through to get to the hospital.  More details and pictures will follow.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 6:52 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 17 April 2009 6:53 PM EDT
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Thursday, 5 February 2009
presidential pictures

Link to Photo Album presidential photos

Posted by trek/gavitos at 5:22 AM EST
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Thursday, 1 January 2009
Spider Dominic, Spider Dominic...Does Whatever a Spider Dominic Does

Posted by trek/gavitos at 12:44 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 1 January 2009 3:33 PM EST
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Sunday, 28 December 2008
Jenny Baking??????

Jenny, Dominic, and Ma'Issa had a fun time baking Christmas morning.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 4:19 AM EST
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Christmas Morning

We had a great Christmas morning, though the present opening took quite a while, as Dominic felt compelled to play with each toy before moving on to opening the next.  Thanks to everybody that sent Dominic gifts, it made for a fun Christmas and helped make up for being away from everybody.


Posted by trek/gavitos at 4:17 AM EST
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Christmas Eve

After Dominic ate Santa's cookies, Tony put together Dominic's rocking horse and Ma'Issa relaxed with a nice Cabernet.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 4:13 AM EST
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Cookies for Santa?

While Dominic was putting cookies out for Santa, he decided that he need to try them.

Posted by trek/gavitos at 4:09 AM EST
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