This is the picture the other way. On top there was this big ugly solar-powered piece of whatever it was. My point is it didn't really fit in with the surroundings, so we tried to dodge it with the pictures. It is out of sight on the right. From left to right are:Stutfield East, West, Alberta in the clouds, Woolley and Diadem, all 11,000 foot peaks. The descent was uneventful but cold until we reached treeline, when the sun started coming out. Great views of Kitchener were had. Once we arrived at the road we were amazed to see two fully-grown bighorn sheep each with a full ring of horns. They were situated across the highway from us which was actually a trench, so there were cliffs on each side of it. But even more impressive were about 30 or 40 cars parked on the road following these sheep with cameras in hand. I took a picture of the tourists! Mr. Howell commented that the tourist appeared to be in a cage, with us on one side and the Bighorn Sheep on the other. I'm sure the sheep found it the same way. After that we climbed up the falls trying to spoil the tourists' views, had a quick head-numbing dip and set off. |