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Wonder world cave

Visited July 2001

     In the year 1893, Wonder Cave was discovered by a farmer who was drilling for water. This cave was, opened in 1903, making it the oldest commercial cave in Texas. The cave is a dry cave, that was formed by an earthquake and lies within the 300 mi long Balcones Fault Zone.

     The cave is tight, which is really interesting because it helps one realize that you are indeed in a crack of the earth. This cave has a stairway that leads down to the deepest part of the cave, where visitors can see the waters of Edwards Aquifer. Fossils cover the ceilings of the cave in intricate designs of the past. The Balcones fault line is visible in the ceiling, allowing one to see the underside of the line. The deepest part  of the cave is 160ft, called the wishing well.

   The tour guides are very good about explaining the geology behind the cave. An elevator takes you back up to the surface. Tour length: 400 feet, ; about forty-five minutes. 

To learn more visit Wonder World Park and Wonder Cave from Online Texas HandbookTripods allowed. 

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