![]() Gigi Sinclair
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Gigi SinclairGathering StormTitle: Gathering Storm Author: Gigi Sinclair E-mail: gigitrek@gmail.com Web site: https://www.angelfire.com/trek/gigislash Archive: Ask first. Pairing: Kolya/Tyrus, Kolya/Athos Rating: G Spoilers: "The Storm", "The Eye" Disclaimer: If they were mine, they'd be on basic cable. Summary: After "The Eye", Kolya returns to the Genii. Date: February 2005 The Genii were not an easy people to understand. Acastus Kolya had learned that when he was twenty-seven years old and he'd first come to the planet to trade. In twenty years, the only Genii he'd come close to really knowing was Tyrus, and, in the end, Kolya had been wrong about even him. Kolya expected to be executed when he returned home. The mission to gain control of Atlantis had failed, and failed spectacularly. Fifty-five soldiers, including Kolya's surrogate son Idos, had been crushed against the Stargate when Sheppard raised the shield. Another dozen or so, Kolya wasn't sure how many, had been single-handedly killed by Sheppard in the city. And Sora had died because she wouldn't wait to avenge Tyrus. Kolya had promised Tyrus years ago that he would care for Sora and prepare her for her role in fighting the Wraith, just as, more recently, he had promised Athos he would do the same for Idos. It was part of the Genii bonding oath, and Kolya had always taken it seriously. But in the end, Sora was as pig-headed as her father was and, like him, she ignored Kolya's advice. Now, Tyrus, Sora and Idos were all gone, and Kolya knew he was soon to follow. The Genii doctors patched him up, of course, repairing the gunshot wound to his shoulder with the technology they kept hidden from outsiders and which, twenty years earlier, Kolya had been astonished to learn they possessed. Like everyone, Kolya had been taken in by their pastoral, naïve appearance. Unlike most strangers, though, Kolya had been accepted into Genii society. Bonding with Tyrus had helped, naturally, but Kolya liked to think the Genii leaders had always seen something worthwhile in him. Even after he and Tyrus dissolved their union, Kolya served the Genii well, for two decades, but Kolya knew they wouldn't take that into consideration now. Kolya wouldn't expect them to. He lay in the underground infirmary, staring at the grey walls and the blinking lights, for a little more than an hour before Cowen appeared. He stood at the end of Kolya's bed for a long moment, before saying, in a low, calm voice: "Commander Kolya, I am somewhat disappointed with the outcome of your mission." "As am I." That was an understatement. "And I am prepared to take responsibility for the failure." He had no choice, even though, in this case, taking responsibility would mean kneeling on the wrong end of a rifle in a room full of his former subordinates. He deserved it. He had failed, and he'd lost both of his protégés---both of his children---while he was at it. "Your bondmate Athos wants to see you. We will permit him to come here when we're finished." "That's very generous, Chief Cowen." Unexpectedly so. Cowen jerked his head at the two guards. They clicked their heels and left the room. "Commander Kolya." Cowen smiled down at him, and unease rose in Kolya's chest. "Acastus. You have been with our people for many years. You are one of us, and you have suffered as much as anyone at the hands of our new enemies." That was true. The three most important people in Kolya's life were dead because of them. Cowen leaned closer. "That is why we are depending on you to lead our continued assault against them. You've spent time with Dr. McKay and Dr. Weir, and you've matched wits with Major Sheppard. You have a great deal of information to share with us." Information, and a personal vendetta against the people occupying Atlantis. That part went unsaid, but it didn't need to be spoken aloud. Revenge was the cornerstone of Genii society; it was what occupied their every waking moment, what drove their every technological advance. For Kolya, who'd been raised by the genuinely peace-loving Athosians, it had been a difficult doctrine to buy into, at first. But love had kept him with the Genii, and he'd quickly learned to believe as fervently as they did. "I am grateful to have this opportunity, Chief Cowen." Cowen patted him on his uninjured shoulder. "You are a valuable asset, Commander. I would hate to waste you." He left the room. A moment later, Athos came in, his eyes red and swollen. He leaned in, pressing his lips to Kolya's forehead and then to his mouth. As his bondmate kissed him, Kolya could taste Athos's tears for Idos. And he swore that, natural-born Genii or not, he would see Sheppard, McKay, Weir and all the rest of them dead, or die himself. Either at their hands, or the Genii's. It hardly mattered which. Gigi Sinclair's Slash Emporium is maintained by Gigi. This is a nonprofit fan site. No copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred. |