Gigi Sinclair

This Weather Sucks

Title: This Weather Sucks

Author: Gigi Sinclair


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Archive: Ask first.

Rating: PG

Pairing: Tucker/Reed

Summary: A freak snowstorm and a linguistics discussion.

Notes: For all my peeps on the Canadian prairies who are suffering through January in May. Again.

Date: May 2003

"Damn, Malcolm, would you look at that snow? I thought T'Pol said it was spring."

"It is. This is a freak occurrence."

"Figures we'd be here for it. This sucks!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Archaic expression. Hoshi taught me the other night at poker."

"Oh. What does it suck?"

"Use your imagination, Malcolm."

"…And that's meant to be a bad thing?"

"I guess. People were weird back then, though."

"I'll say. That, or they never had you suck them."

"I ain't that kind of guy. You of all people oughta know that. This is bad, though. Travis says it'll be two days before the shuttle can land. How we gonna pass the time?"

"I can think of one or two ways."

"Oh, yeah? Care to show me?"

"With pleasure."


"Shit, Malcolm! You could have put my goddamn eye out!"

"You don't enjoy snowball fights?"

"Not when you pack the snowball with goddamn rocks."

"I'm not a tactical officer for nothing. Anyway, it was a little bit of ice."

"Yeah. Well, I've got some better ideas."

"Like what? Snow angels? Snowmen? Snow forts?"

"I was thinking more indoors."

"Ah. Go fish, then? Old maid? Crazy eights? Gin rum…"

Lengthy silence.

"Oh God, Trip."

"That bad, darlin'?"

"You suck, love. You really, really suck."

"Thanks, darlin'. You suck too."

"Of course. Just give me a minute."

Gigi Sinclair's Slash Emporium is maintained by Gigi. This is a nonprofit fan site. No copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred.