The Mirak Star League is a medium-sized stellar empire on the border of Lyran and Klingon space. The Mirak are a race of aggressive predatory carnivores. To be a Mirak is to be a survivor in harsh conditions, against terrible enemies and predators, both on the harsh surface of Mirak worlds, and in the cold dark vastness of space. The official Mirak government is led by the Patriarch, who lives in a starbase in orbit around the original Mirak homeworld. The Patriarch's primary duty is to coordinate the movements of the Mirak fleets to make certain that they don't come into conflict with each other (wars between various fleets have occurred three times in the last two hundred years). The Patriarch is traditionally given authority over Mirak foreign relations, but relations with neighboring empires is often dependent on the strength of the individual fleet nearest their border. Very strong fleets don't hesitate to send ships across borders and raid worlds, even those belonging to traditional Mirak allies.It's impossible to talk about the Mirak without talking about their vendetta against the Lyrans. Although neither side takes the idea seriously, the Hydrans discovered remarkable similarities in Mirak and Lyran genetic markers, and theorized that originally the Mirak and the Lyrans shared the same planet, and evolved from a common ancestor. The publication of this theory was considered by the Lyrans to be a deliberate insult, and used as a pretext for a war against the Hydrans that lasted for three years.
The first Mirak-Lyran war began 150 years ago, and hasn't formally ended, as any attempt to get the two sides to negotiate with each other has broken down into lethal hand-to-hand combat between the diplomats. The Mirak also fought six wars against the Federation, but losses in those wars weakened the Mirak fleet to such an extent that when the Federation offered peace, the Patriarch accepted it with open paws. Since then, a tense spirit of cooperation has existed between the Federation and the Mirak Star League. The Mirak also assisted the Hydrans during the Klingon-Lyran occupation, sealing a long-term alliance between them as well.
Several decades ago, there was a major Klingon-Lyran excursion into Mirak space, and it appeared as though the Mirak Star League might collapse. However, a combination of internal Lyran treachery, a Federation offensive against the Klingons, and the unexpected strength of surviving Mirak fleets allowed the Star League to make a comeback and regain their lost territory. The commander of the lead fleet took over the vacant position of the Patriarch, and greatly strengthened it.Since then, the Mirak have engaged in an uncharacteristically patient rebuilding campaign. Also uncharacteristically, they sat out the recent general war that occurred between the galactic powers following the disappearance of the Organians. All Mirak fleets are considered to be at full strength, and all key worlds are well fortified. There has been a wave of new developments in technology that has kept the Mirak on par with the other galactic powers. Only the strength of an unusually powerful and respected Patriarch has restrained the fleet captains from "having an adventure". Tensions continue to rise between the Lyran Empire and the Mirak, and it is likely that a single incident could ignite the fires of a full-scale war.
Mirak starships use missiles as their primary heavy weapon but also carry disruptors in limited numbers. The Mirak were the one of the first races to employ shuttles in the fighter role. They were also the first race to build a dedicated carrier and still continue their reliance on the Missile - fighter combination.On approaching a Mirak starship, one is immediately struck by... torpedoes. The Mirak have mastered the dark art of expendable, throwaway weaponry. Their ships offer only fair maneuverability but are fitted with decent, well-balanced shielding that will absorb a good deal of punishment. And they carry a lot of torpedoes.
Typically, Mirak frigates carry more torpedoes then the Federation or Klingon Heavy Cruisers or even Battlecruisers. And the bigger the Mirak ship, the more racks of torpedoes it carries. Another Mirak favorite is the Carrier; a pure Carrier, hardly usable itself as a warship, which supports squadron after squadron of Fighters.
Their fighters, in addition to carrying torpedoes, are often equipped with Disruptors and Phasers.