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The Tamarian race originatesin the Alpha Quadrant, regarded as the Children of Tama they are a mysterious and incomprehensible race.  Tamarian territory is near the Federation, Miradorn and the Talarians.  Tamarian vessels are somewhat larger than a galaxy class starship, and are equipped with powerful shields and precise weaponry.   Their starships have very accurate targeting sensors and are capable of precision strikes, their ships are laced with defensive ablated armor.  Communication with the Federation on seven different encounters has proven to be
unsuccessful as each encounter has resulted in a report stating the Tamarians are incomprehensible.
Dathon, Commander of a Tamarian ship came across the starship Enterprise on route to the El-Adrel system. Captain Jean Luc Picard discovered tht the Tamarians communicate by citing examples with metaphor.  They rely on past experiences to express a situation.   The Federation now knows the basic metaphors of the Tamarian culture and can communicate with some struggle.  The Tamarian captaion Dathon gave his life for the chance to communicate, finally establishing a connection between their two peoples.

Some Tamarian sayings are: Callimas at Bahar =Meaning unknown, Chenza at court. The court of silence =Uncertain; seems to indicate an unwillingness to listen, Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra =Communication (or friendship) as a result of shared struggle, Kadir beneath Mo Moteh =Failure of communication (or simply failure), Kailash, when it rises =A necessary risk; a necessary loss, Kiazi's children, their faces wet =Crying for no good reason; "crying wolf.", Kira at Bashi =Storytelling, Kiteo, his eyes closed =A refusal to see someone or something; "break off communications.", Mirab, his sails unfurled =Departure; "let's go.", Rai [of Lowani] and Jiri [of Ubaya] at Lungha =Communication. First Contact, Shaka, when the walls fell =Failure, Sokath, his eyes uncovered (or, his eyes open) =Realization; understanding; an epiphany, Temarc. The river Temarc, in winter ="Be quiet"; "that's enough.", Temba, his arms wide =Giving; receiving, Uzani, his army at Lashmir =A military strategy in which an army lures the enemy in, and then attacks. Perhaps roughly equivalent to 'don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes.', Zima and Bakor, at Anso =Unknown, Zinda, his face black, his eyes red =Anger; "you've had it."