BARFLEUR,98. (1768 Chatham. BU 1819) 1781 Capt. J. KNIGHT, flagship of Rear Ad. Sir Samuel HOOD. On 29 April an action took place off Fort Royal Bay, Martinique, with a superior French fleet under de Grasse. The British were to lee and were not in position to force a decisive engagement. BARFLEUR had four men wounded. 1781 Ad. HOOD's flag captain was Capt. J. INGLEFIELD.
1794 Capt. C. COLLINGWOOD. During the year she took part in the battle of the Glorious First of June bearing the flag of Rear Ad. BOWYER who lost a leg. BARFLEUR had 9 men killed and Lieut. William PROWSE, Messrs. John FOGO and William CLEMONS, midshipmen, and 21 men wounded. In August 1794 she was commanded by Capt. J. ELPHINSTONE with Rear Ad. G.K. ELPHINSTONE's flag.
1795 Capt. James DACRES, with Lord BRIDPORT`s fleet which sailed from Spithead on 12 June for Quiberon Bay to protect an expedition to assist French royalists. On the 22nd a smaller French fleet encountered them and tried to avoid action, but BRIDPORT engaged as soon as the wind permitted the following morning. Three French ships were captured but three British ones were damaged. The remainder of the French ships took refuge inshore behind Isles Groix and the convoy passed unmolested.
1796 Flagship of Vice Ad. Sir Wm. Waldegrave. On 9 March, following orders from Sir John Jervis, BARFLEUR with four 74s, brought out the captured Bitish frigate NEMESIS,28, from the neutral port of Tunis after she had been taken at Smyrna by two French men of war.
1797 With Sir John JERVIS at the Battle off Cape St. Vincent on 14 February, when 15 British ships engaged a Spanish fleet of 27 divided into two groups of 9 and 18. JERVIS, in line, broke into the larger group, but Nelson, in CAPTAIN broke away to engage the group of 9 until JERVIS could come up. The SALVADOR DEL MUNDO struck when she saw CAPTAIN coming under her stern with BARFLEUR coming up close behind. The Spanish ships took refuge in Cadiz where they were blockaded. On 3 July Spanish gunboats and launches were engaged by similar boats from the fleet under the leadership of Nelson and they were driven back under cover of the forts. Master`s Mate Hugh PEARSON of BARFLEUR was among the 20 British wounded.
1799 At the beginning of the year Vice Ad. Lord KEITH's flagship on the Lisbon station. In August Capt. P. PUGET with Rear Ad. J.H. WHITHEAD. Capt. G.H. STEPHENS was appointed to her in November 1799.
1800 Capt. T. SECOMBE, Rear Ad. COLLINGWOOD, Channel fleet off Brest. A court martial was held on board GLADIATOR in Portsmouth on 2 February when a seaman from BARFLEUR, Richard PIERREPOINT, was found guilty of desertion and sentenced to receive 100 lashes and to forfeit all his pay.
Capt. OMMANEY was appointed to BARFLEUR. near the end of the year.
She returned to Plymouth every two or three weeks through 1800 and to Portsmouth during the latter part of 1801 and in 1802.
1801 Capt. J. IRWIN, Rear Ad. COLLINGWOOD, Channel fleet.
At Portsmouth on Thursday 13 January 1803 BARFLEUR, which had been docked during the last spring tides, was placed on iron wedges and hung on her shores, as a trial of a new plan for a more convenient and expeditious way of removing a false keel. The experiment, carried out in the presence of the Commissioner, Builder, and other principal officers of the yard, was performed by only 26 men instead of the 200 required before. She spent 18O3 repairing at Portsmouth.
1805 Capt. George MARTIN, Channel fleet. At the beginning of January all the men of TRIUMPH, which had paid off on 29 December, were turned over to BARFLEUR and on the 3rd she made the signal for going out of harbour although the fog was so thick that Spithead had not been seen for two days. She was with Sir Robert CALDER's squadron on 22 July in his attack on the combined Franco/Spanish fleet off Ushant. The action was fought in heavy weather, part of the time in thick fog, and two enemy ships, ST. RAFAEL and FIRME, were captured. BARFLEUR lost 5 killed including the master and Lieut. Peter FISHER and 6 others were wounded.
1807 Capt. Sir J.S. YORKE, Channel fleet. On 1 June Lieuts. ALCOCK and BATES were tried by court martial for conniving at the escape of a prisoner who was under arrest. Lieut. BATES was found guilty, reprimanded and dismissed the BARFLEUR.
1808 Capt. D. M'CLEOD, Spithead. Flagship of Rear Ad. Charles TYLER. She was employed in the blockade of Lisbon and escorted home the first division of the Russian squadron surrendered by Vice Ad. Seniavin. They arrived at Spithead on 6 October and the ships, old and in bad repair, were sold.
1811 Capt. Sir T.M. HARDY, Lisbon. Lieut. CLAXTON of BARFLEUR commanded the gunboats on the south side of the Tagus in conjunction with the army under Beresford and Hill. The French, under Massena, were contricted to an area on the north side between the Lines of Torres Vedras and Trant and Wilson to the northward. He was reconnoitring under Santarem, some 4O miles above Lisbon, on 5 March when he saw the enemy departing. He immediately crossed with an officer of the British piquet and passed the intelligence to Lord Wellington.
The enemy had left three pontoons, two rafts and 12 or 14 heavy cannon, the carriages of which had been burnt. By the 8th the army started to move on and the gunboats were ordered to follow them up to Abrantes, another 3O miles.
Later in the year Capt. J.S. COWAN, act. Flagship of Vice Ad. G. BERKLEY.
1812 Capt. Edward BERRY, 9/12, removed from SCEPTRE, for the Mediterranean.
On 18 August 1813 the marines of BARFLEUR joined those from CALEDONIA, HIBERNIA, PRINCE OF WALES and UNDAUNTED in destroying the batteries at Cassis and bringing out 24 settees and tartans, and 2 gunboats.
1814 Capt. John MAITLAND, Mediterranean. 1815- out of commission at Chatham.