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Helen's Autograph Page

August 1996

George Takei

These are from the first time I met George Takei. I was only supposed to get one thing signed (see above), but since I had his book in my hand, he snatched it, asked my name and wrote: "To Helen, Reach for the highest star, George Takei". But he writes that same message a lot. LOL

Dayton 1999

I DID get an autograph from George Takei this day. But since my friend (who had told me about this con in the first place!), couldn't make it, I gave it to her.

My first Leonard Nimoy autograph!! This one has a funny story to it.

Grace Lee Whitney—what an amazing woman!! It says "To Helen, W/ Love, Grace Lee Whitney"

Tim Russ—he was sooooo tired that day!! He looked like he was about to just collapse on the table and sleep instead of signing his name all day!

Indianapolis 2001

Manu Intiraymi

Judson Scott—Khan’s right hand man in ST:TWOK. Notice that he wrote "To Helen!" with an exclamation point!! I didn’t see anyone else getting one!! LOL

Walter Koenig

Max Grodénchik—Rom from DS9. He was definitely a highlight for the Indianapolis convention!! My friend Ina and I really danced with him that night!!

Aron Eisenberg—Nog from DS9. Oh, I love him!! He is so adorable!! And he can really dance too!!

Another George—this is us in August 1999, but the autograph is from November 2001.

Denise Crosby

The Spock vs. Q: the Sequel CD—the VIP dinner guests at the Indianapolis Convention all received this free!!

My first in person meeting with Leonard Nimoy!!! I had him sign my hardbound copy of I am Not Spock !

John deLancie—In case you’re wondering, I put laminate over the signature so it wouldn’t rub off.

Cleveland 2002

John Billingsley

Jeffrey Combs

Ethan Phillips

Ethan Phillips-Carmen and her own autograph.

Dayton 2002-Pacific Overtures

A play/musical I saw George Takei in, and my autograph. I also went out to dinner with him!

2000 (?)

Jacqueline Brookes—My mom and sister met her on a train a few years back. They recognized her from other things, but she told them she was on Star Trek: The Next Generation. I knew exactly who she was, though I hadn’t known her name. LOL—it says "To Helen, Greetings from the Admiral. Enjoyed having dinner with your Mother and Sister. Jacqueline Brookes".


Robert Beltran—*droooool* This one is special!! The picture is one of my Stick Trek comics, inspired by stories he’s told, so I had some friends get him to sign it for me. I also gave a copy to him with an explanation. I wanted believe it said "To Helen, Beautiful! Robert Beltran". But it turns out, it says "Best Wishes". LOL

Indianapolis 2002

Leonard Nimoy, on the Shekhina tour.

Dayton 2003

Robin Curtis--Saavik, ST:III

Robert Picardo

Ethan Phillips

Ethan and Bob

Non-Star Trek Autographs

Apollo 12 Astronaut Dick Gordon—I had him sign for my dad. It says "To Randy, Best Wishes, Richard Gordon, Apollo XII".

Mark Goddard of Lost in Space fame.

DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns all things Star Trek, I’m just playing with it, but I promise to return it in good condition!