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With Fan Fiction and lots of Links

Welcome to my main Star Trek page!! I'm Helen and I am a Trekkie. (duh LOL) And since this is my page, I've decided to tell you about how I got into Star Trek in the first place. If you want to skip this part, feel free to browse my many links below!!

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My Star Trek Pages

My Trek History

It all started many years ago, when I was 11 years old. It was the summer between 6th and 7th grade for me (1991), which meant staying up with Mom to watch movies. The usual routine was that we'd send my younger sisters to bed around 11 pm, we'd get some snacks, then we'd watch a movie. One night, while mom was getting snacks in the kitchen, I was flipping through the channels on the TV.

Suddenly, I saw something strange on one of the channels I had just passed. I went back to it and was immediately mesmorized by the image of a man with a strange haircut, elegantly slanted eyebrows and marvelous pointed guessed it! I had just been introduced to Spock!! *faints*

When Mom came back in, she remarked that this was the show she had tried to describe to me days before (I don't rightly recall that conversation, so I've skipped it). She couldn't remember the name of it, and just then, the credits were rolling and there is was: Star Trek!!!!!

Well, now that I knew when and where it was on, I decided to watch an entire show. I did, and was hooked. But, I was new to the entire concept, so it took me nearly all summer to find out that there was a Next Generation. Why are you laughing?!?! LOL

Anyway, when the next season started, I watched it too. And then I found out about the 25th anniversary. Now I had known it was an older show, but I didn't realize how long it had really been around! So, shortly after school started up again, they had the 25th Anniversary special on TV. I watched it, completely enthralled by everything--the conventions, how many fans there seemed to be, etc...

Well, since school was up and running again, I couldn't stay up to watch Star Trek late at night. So I was going through withdrawls...anyway, an unrelated thing happened and I caught a cold. I stayed home from school a few days, and one of those days, I was asleep in the recliner. I was awakened by the sound of a paperback book hitting the table beside me. I opened my eyes to see the novel "Star Trek: Home is the Hunter". This is a good book, btw.

Since then, I've accumulated over 400 Star Trek novels. And I have NO idea how much other stuff too. Maybe someday I'll put my inventory up here, and yes, I do keep an inventory...and you're laughing again?! LOL


Misc Star Trek Links


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Sev Wide Web: science fiction cartoon parody.

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DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns all things Star Trek. I am merely playing with it, but I promise to return it in good condition!