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Long ago, the Pyrexians were leaders of the galaxy, alongside the mighty Akari. Like the Pyrexians, the Akari were beings of pure energy. However, while the Pyrexians tapped the blue energy of creation and life, the Akari tapped the red energies of death and destruction. Your records are fuzzy, but you know that it was the Akari that began the war between your peoples. With their red energy, the Akari appeared to be unstoppable. Their massive armies soared through the universe, crushing all in its path. For years, the Akari and their servant races beat the Pyrexians back across the universe, decimating the Pyrexian population. It was then, in their most desperate hour, that the Pyrexians created the eye of the Akari, a powerfull black hole capable of trapping and imprisoning the Akari. With the Akari gone, the Pyrexians turned their forces to uprooting the savage races that had followed the Akari. Most notably among these were the Thralls, a twisted race that worshipped the Akari as gods. But the thralls, along with their mysterious new allies the Shades, managed to avoid the tattered armies of the Pyrexians. It was because of this that the Pyrexians turned to regroup, and create the free races of the galaxy. It was the Pyrexians who created the Dregar, and then improved upon the design to create the Frizzarians. The Pyrexians also created the Byzantians and the humans. For millenia the Pyrexians regrouped and watched their creations grow in power. But then, disturbing reports came. The shades were regrouping, and other foul races, such as the Morlocks and Golgoths, races thought to be long destroyed, began to regroup. The Pyrexians knew they needed a new race, a living weapon to be used against their enemies, a race with a psychic power to rival the shades. It was to this end that the Pyrexians created the Aldarians. But during the genetic replication, something unexplainable went wrong. Instead of being born as loyal followers, the Aldarians gained the need for power and conquest. The Aldarians soon turned to war, and the Pyrexians found themselves imprisoned by their former creations. For many years, the Aldarians ruled the Pyrexians and their creations. The Pyrexians became mindless slaves, and at this point much of their culture and history was lost forever. But now, in the wake of Hawethorne's revolution, the Pyrexians are free again. Now the Pyrexians are working on their gene pools again, striving for the perfect race, the race that will allow them to beat back their enemies and return the universe to a state of prosperity and cultivation yet again. But their enemies grow in strength as their allies turn against them. Conflict grows within the Pyrexian ranks. Some believe that it is the job of the Pyrexians to lead the free races against the savage outer races. Others believe that the Pyrexians must abandon their leadership and be content with self-preservation, and still others believe that the free races have grown too dangerous and must be destroyed. It is now that a new chapter must be written in the Pyrexian histories.

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