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Tucson Traders
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Ordering from Tucson Traders means being Energy and Technology Wise!
Tucson Traders is pleased to present alternative technology solutions for today's challenges. Avoiding suppression by bringing the technology directly to you.
Product |
Price |
Brown's Gas Technology |
Brown's Gas, Book 1 |
$14 |
Brown's Gas, Book 2 |
$24 |
Brown's Gas Historical Video 1 |
$30 |
Brown's Gas Historical Video 2 |
$30 |
Brown's Gas Video 3 |
$30 |
Brown's Gas Color Brochure |
$2 |
Fuel Saving Technology |
Carburetor Enhancer Manual |
$24 |
Carburetor Enhancer Basic Kit |
$15 |
HydroCarbon Oxygenator Manual |
$22 |
HyCO 2A Installation Video |
$30 |
HyCO 2A Canister parts |
$150 |
HyCO 2A Canister pre-assembly fee |
$100 |
Electronic Fuel Injection Enhancer Manual |
$9 |
Completely assembled EFIE units |
$50 |
HyCO 2DT Manual |
$12 |
Super Gas Saver Secrets |
$22 |
Water as Fuel, Book 1 |
$22 |
HyZor Technology Manual |
$22 |
Water Injection Manual |
$22 |
Why >200 MPG is Possible |
$3 |
Free Energy |
H.E.A.T. Technology, Book 3 |
$14 |
Free Energy Accumulator |
$8 |
Energy Conserver Theory, Book 1 |
$8 |
Energy Conserver Theory, Book 2 |
$8 |
Capacitive Battery Charger |
$7 |
Pneumatic/Hydraulic Report |
$3 |
Buoyancy Report |
$3 |
Gravity Report |
$3 |
Tesla Technology |
Tesla Pump Comments |
$7 |
Tesla Disk Technology Reference |
$6 |
Miscellaneous |
Reverse your Electric Meter, Legally |
$14 |
Do-It-Yourself Crisis Survival |
$16 |
S&H ........................
example: your order comes to a sub total of $48.00 this would be $2.00 for the first 10.00 and 4.00 total for each additional 10.00 or any part. Total S&H would then be $6.00.
*S&H is standard postal rate unless otherwise specified.
NEW TOTAL if applicable.......................................
*Please allow approximately 2 weeks for delivery