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Ever got annoyed with something, anything, but had nowhere or no-one to rant to. Me too. Thats what this page is about, me, ranting. Gotta let off steam some time, right?!

Ozzie Roads

What have I got against Ozzie roads??

To tell you the truth, just about everything! You start off your trip in large-ish cities, with fairly decent roads, well-maintained and fully tarmacked.
And then... they lead you into the middle of nowhere, where the bitumen suddenly runs out to either leave you on a one-lane highway with 60m long road trains flying towards you at crazy speeds only allowed in "the Bush", or onto major, "Unsealed" roads, which take you into practically any beautiful spots more than 10 minutes away froma city centre.

These roads aren't just not "sealed", they are dusty, corrugated (that means really bloody bumpy!) and often have huge holes and rocks laying in waiting ready for you to hit them full on in your 25yr old vehicle. Great.

And what sympathy from the locals??
We once mentioned the state of the "unsealed road" when we'd just arrived at a bush campsite. It was by far one of the worst roads we'd ever been on and at the end was almost like driving on abeach. 4WD recommended. The locals...

"you're kiddin' mate! Thats almost a bloody highway!"

Yeah, right. Go to england and see a real road... MATE!


I realise that I'm getting into muddy and dangerous waters here, but I think a have avalid point. A LOT of Ozzies are racist beyond belief against the ABoriginal people, and in some rare cases, almost seem justified. But this ISN'T my gripe.

My problem is with the tourism industry relying on "aboriginal Artefacts, cave paintings, dreamtime stories, artwork, didgeridoos, etc etc, in order to sell their tours, gifts, tourist havens, whatever. Look if you don;t like the people, stop using them to sell your crappy tours! It's the biggest hypocrisy in the great "free" country.


No rant. You got this right. Nothing better than ice cold beer when it's too hot to even sleep. Lovely!

"Cheap Air Fares

When you advertise "Cheap Air Fares", they should be the same price as on the board outside!
Having spent a few hours with travle agents, I now know these fares...


How they come up with these fares one doens't like to guess, but as someone who was willing to travel at "anytime" via "anyplace" using "any airline" , I find it strange that the cheapest flight anyone can find is roughly $300 more expensive than those advertised.

Links ...

Worldfamous Home Page... see earlier travels with the boys, or catch up with Gonzo and Astro.
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