Updated February 4, 2004
I read a lot of fanfiction. A lot. Hours a day. Sometimes, I feel a little pathetic. If I didn't read so much, I could write a little more. But, then I couldn't provide you with these links.
Warning: I tend to enjoy the stories of epic length. Some of these are quite long. I'm linking to an author for a specific reason but, generally, any of work of one of these authors is good. Also, nearly all of them are NC-17. Minors, please observe the ratings system used by the authors.
An alternate universe, in my mind, is one in which the very nature of the characters and their relationships is different than in the canon universe, as seen on television. Some stories can exist within canon. These clearly contradict canon in an obvious way.
Different Circumstances by Noda
LINK UPDATED A Separate Peace
by Andra Marie Muller
The Unlikely Spy
and The
Unlikely Alliance by Mary
Blue World by Jinny
Enemy of My
Enemy by Kath,
Vicki, and Sheena
The Cardassian Mask by Linda
R. Bowen
A Little
Child Shall Lead Us by Lena
Virtual Voyager Season 8 - skews more
toward the action
Virtual Voyager Season 7.5 -
skews more toward the romance
Tying the
The Museum by Jemima
True Lies by JinnyR
The Precarious Universe
Series by Mia Cooper
The Long
Road Home by Kira
by christinecgb
These stories are not quite like anything I've ever read and they refuse to be pigeon-holed. Just when you think you've got them figured out, they change.
Lykke Saga by HyperHenry
The Secret Logs of Mistress
Janeway by Nova D.
by Ragpants
The Talking Stick Circle
by Peg Robinson and Macedon
The Wraith's
Trilogy by Sharon
Nuttycombe (hosted by Avalon)
Painted Desert
Serenade by Jackee
Pathways by Cassatt
Revisionist History Series by EJ
Andrews (AKA Penny Proctor)
The Voyager Days Series by Kerry
Mixed Signals by Clare
of an Invisible Man by Jinny
The Experiment by Sam
I don't have anything against Seven. Really I don't. So why do I find such a perverse pleasure in these tales?
Single White Borg by
Maquis Leader
A Bitter Pill, Indeed
by Autopilot
In the
End by Eydie
Best Case
Scenario by Tessa
Hope by Yeats Kurzweil
find links forMandy
Maquis LeaderSavant
I'm working on filling these in. Sometimes it may be just a flimsy excuse getting my favorite couple together, but I don't mind.
A Little Turbolift Vignette by Ghostwriter
by Michele
Once and
Future Captain by Em
Wycedee, Michele
and Shayenne
A Pinch of Spice by Cloud Dancing
Disaster by Kira
by Jemima
Quarters by Shayenne
Slip of the Mind
by Linda
R. Bowen
by Becca O and YCD
Your Cruise Director's Love Boat
The Koffee Klub
the archipelago of angst
There is a world of fanfiction out there and this barely scratches the surface. Try one of these pages for more.
Melissa B's J/C
The Janeway/Chakotay Story Index
The J/C NC-17 Index
The J/C Episode Addition Story Index
Trekiverse -- the archive for
alt.startrek.creative and alt.startrek.creative.erotica
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