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TOCOAN: StarGate SG-1: Music videos:
Recommended Jack/Daniel music vids

Recommended (i.e. ones I watch over and over again)
Jack/Daniel music videos:

(N.B In date order and these are all IMHO *G*
Sorry if it comes across any other way!)

-'I think I love you'
-by Clara_M
-Humour, Romance
-I love this video! Clare doesn't use
all the stereotypical J/D scenes
but still makes it work ;)
She's a lyrics girl, so you
gotta listen to get the scenes.

-"Who wants to live forever?"

-Incredibly depressing when you've just
watched Meridian :(

-"Get Off"

-LOL! This is possibly one of my favourite
music vids of all time!!! Watch it with a
dirty mind to get all the scenes *snerk*
-Not just J/D

-More than words

-*sniff* The definitively classic J/D romance
music video. *blows nose loudly* Beautiful!

-Far Cry

-Again beautiful video :*) Almost as good as
More than words.

Nothing without me

-Humour, Friendship
-Because it's just a friendship one I
don't get nearly as emotional watching it
as I do the others but definitely worth d/l!

-My lover's gone

-*sniff* Lovely music video (I can only get
away with saying 'Beautiful!' so many times ;))
D/l it now!!


-First one I ever watched and cute :)

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