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Slash Story List

Slash Story and Poetry List

All About You - NC-17
The Bitter and the Sweet - PG-13
The Berries - NC-17
Cave Paintings - NC-17
Double Bubble (An Epic Limerick) - NC-17
Evergreen - PG-13
Exceeding the Speedo Limit - NC-17
Feather Light Fudge (An Epic Limerick)- NC-17
His Darkest Hour - NC-17
How to Shake Hands with a Khelderite - NC-17
Kirk's Toy - NC-17
Liar's Itch - PG-13
Mimor VI (Novella)- NC-17
Personal Effects - NC-17
The Game - PG-13
The Origin of Fire - NC-17
The Sighting (Poem)- PG
With Relish - NC-17