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My Flowers

My Flowers

Heart Arbor (with benches) my husband built
2 Chinese Wisteria (sinensis) vines, (growing over top of arbor not in bloom),
2 Clematis~Ville de Lyon vines (growing on front lattice),
2 Japanese Spiraea Shibori shrubs, (in front of arbor)

Arbor and flowers on the side of house Arbor and flowers on the side of house

Close up of Clematis~Ville de Lyon Clematis~Ville de Lyon vine & Red
vine Begonias in hanging pot

Dayliles, Monarda~(Marshalls Delight), Bicycle planter with Red Begonias,
Shasta Daisy~(Snowcap), & birdbath Hollyhock Mallow Fastigiata~(Pink Malva),
Orange Asiatic Lilies, Coreopsis~Sunray, Clematis~durandii,
Asiatic Lilies~(Cote D' Azur) Orange Asiatic Lilies, & Daylilies

Shasta Daisy (Snowcap), & Asiatic Close up of flowers on side of arbor
Lily~(Cote D' Azur)

Close-up on side of arbor Orange Asiatic Clematis~durandii, Shasta Daisy (Snowcap),
Lilies, Hollyhock Mallow Fastigiata Veronica~Sightseeing (Pink),
(Pink Malva) Hollyhock Mallow Fastigiata (Pink Malva)

Salvia (Blue Hill), Shasta Daisy (Snowcap) Hummingbird and feeder the side of arbor
& Peach Dayliles

Monarda (Marshalls Delight)~Bee Balm Close-up of the Orange Asiatic Lilies

Close-up of Daylilies on the side of the Monarda~(Marshalls Delight)~Bee Balm,
arbor Orange Asiatic Lilies

Frogs nick-named (Bud and Wiser) by Oriental Lilies in side flower bed by
my husband fence

Oriental Lilies

Climbing Rose Zephirine Drouhin Climbing Rose Clematis~Ville de Lyon
side of garage near side fence

Hummingbird Background, Lines and Buttons by

"Animated Frog Prince gif by © Kitty Roach"

Animated frog catching fly © by
feebleminds animated gifs and clipart

Animated Hummingbirds Graphics © by
Mary (Garren) Morand

Animated caterpillar created by Lisa Konrad of
Animation Arthouse

Hummingbird Snow Globe by